Friday, September 24, 2010

Sweet Happy Fall

Friday September 24, 2010

Yesterday as I was driving some errand I noticed that some leaves are starting to turn colors which I just love. My first card is an image from All that Scraps using Autumn Trevor. I guess I am drawn to these images since my son's name is Trevor and they do remind me of him. This weeks challenge is to be the colors of pumpkin, burgundy, artichoke which just make the perfect fall combination.
I used the Monday Mojo sketch for this card along with K & Company paper. I was able to find some little leaves to use as my embellishments.

For my second card I used the Kenny K digital image of Troublemaker and stitched around the outside paper and the image since the challenge this week involves sewing/stitching. This card reminds me of my daughter since this is exactly how she took one of her senior pictures with the hood up on a pink sweatshirt...except there was no ice cream. She also has the attitude. For this card I used this weeks sfytt091810 Sketch. The paper is Basic Grey Olivia and Core-dinations glitter along with the Martha Stewart punch for the drip. The Sweet is a G-studio stamp and the additional stamp is a Verve. The flower is by Recollections and the button by JoAnn's Essentials.

Tonight I worked on another card for Karen's Doodle and her challenge was to add lace. I have several of her images, but they are of a fisherman and a hog motorcycle which were not fitting for lace. This her free image, but I thought the donkey was a better option especially when I could add in some clouds and pearls. I like the look of pearls and lace. Again I used Copics along with the Basic Grey Olivia paper. I made this card an easel one.


  1. Hi Lisa, thanks for joining in the fun at Kenny K's this week. Your card is gorgeous. Love the stitching and colouring. Good luck. hugs Sharon

  2. I love the Kenny K card, its my favourite image, Thanks for joining in at KKKG Challenge this week and good luck, Hugs Sarah B X

  3. What a great easel card you have made from Karen's little donkey. Love the clouds you added behind the image and all the happy colors. Good luck and thanks for joining in on the fun at Karen's Doodles challenge blog.

  4. Wonderful card! Love your little donkey! Great colors and I love the clouds!
    Thanks so much for playing along at Karens Doodles this week! Hope to see you again soon!
    Dee (Spryte)
    Sprytebyrds Spot

  5. Smashing easel card - love the donkey! The clouds are a wonderful touch. Thanks for playing along at Karen's Doodles this week.

  6. Gorgeous card, love the donkey and the scene you have created, thanks for joining us at karens doodles. Joey.x

  7. Beautiful easelcard. Love your coloring it makes karens donckey come alive.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Karens Doodles this week.
    Dorte aka dot-scrap
