Friday, October 1, 2010

Halloween colors

Friday October 1, 2010

I can't believe that it is October first already.  I feel like I am already behind since I don't have my Halloween decorations out.  I did work on a project for the Bugaboo Challenge this week which is to do a 3D-Halloween.  I put the witch feet on the side of the Chinese take out box that is in black which I got from Michael's.  I thought this would be a great gift for putting in some treats.  I actually wanted some candy corn after I colored the witch stockings.

I also did a card for the Kraftin Kimmie Challenge which is to use the colors green, orange, and purple.  I just received today my new set of stamps so I was able to use the Annette, Glamor Girl.  I did her dress in green and purple and gave her an orange necklace with shades of carmel and orange hair.  The paper is by the Yellow Bicycle Co.  I used this weeks Taylor Expressions Sketch 129 for this card.


  1. very cute treat box! love your colors!
    thank you for participating in the 3D Halloween challenge at Bugaboo!

  2. Really cute, what a clever way to use the bog. Thanks so much for joining BUGABOO's 3-D HALLOWEEN challenge:)

  3. What great project! Thanks so much for joining us for the 3D Halloween challenge. We have another one starting this am so please come back and join us we would love to have you! Tammy Miller DT Coordinator.
