Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Queen

Tuesday October 19, 2010

There are days that I feel this way, "There can only be one queen and I'm it.".  I thought this studio g sentiment was perfect with the digital Mo Manning Two Jill image.  This is one that I plan to submit for the Color Create Challenge (cream, pink, green)#55 using this weeks SFYTT sketch.  I have made this card an easel card so that I could include some flowers and a crown with some bling on the bottom.  Frosted was another component of the challenge, but I added glitter core-dinations paper behind my image.  The patterned paper is My Mind's Eye and I added some lace to try to soften the harsh look on Jill's face and to go with the princess theme.  I colored Jill with my Copics and used Memento ink on the sentiment.

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