Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bugaboo Christmas project & Mojo 166 & Kenny K Tag

Thanksgiving has passed and we are now heading on to the Christmas season.  Bugaboo has a challenge for a Christmas project.  I used the Christmas Mouse Cocoa image and put it on a Close to My Heart pillow holder for a packet of cocoa as a gift.  I used the DCWV Christmas stack paper along with some American Craft ribbon and some buttons.

For my Secret Santa gift, I have some socks so I thought this would be the perfect card.  I used the Maurice Christmas socks digital image from Pollycraft.  I added diamond glaze to the glasses to give them a nice shine.
The design is this weeks Mojo 166 sketch.  I won't get so lucky with all my gifts, it just worked out well for this one.

Patterned Paper: DCWV Christmas Stack
Cardstock: Bazzil
Nestabilities: Small Scalloped Oval
Die Cut: Quic Kutz
Ribbon: American Crafts
Brads: Doodle Bug, swimming pool
Markers: Copic

Kenny K Challenge for this week is to have a card with a tag.  I made a tag card two weeks ago with a chimney and Mrs. Klaus.  This week I did a criss cross card and a tag insert card with Mrs. Klaus.  Since I had this DCWV paper with kraft paper for my other challenge, I used it again since I liked it so much.  I used a Merry Christmas inkadoo stamp and colored it in with my Copic marker.

Patterned Paper: DCWV
Cardstock: Bazzil
Ink: Memento, black tuxedo
Markers: Copic
Flower: Prima
Ribbon: Offray
Button & baker's twine


  1. Great project. I love the idea of cocoa packages for Christmas. Thanks for taking the time to join in with us at Catch The Bug.

  2. The Cocoa pack project is fantastic. I love the colors you used and the buttons are a great touch. I have to make some of these. Thank You for joininjg us at Catch the Bug this week.

  3. Lisa Lynn, you rocked that hot chocolate pillow box! You did a fantastic job coloring - I always have a hard time coloring those images, but you just aced it! Thanks so much for participating in Catch the Bug's Gearing Up for Christmas challenge with Bugaboo Stamps! :D MWAH!

  4. Love your cocoa project! its adorable and a great idea!thanks for playing along at Catch the Bug challenge blog!
