Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have mentioned before that my wonderful husband who has been so supportive of my card making and has been the biggest help to me in my blog has metastatic renal cancer.  He has been having more back pain so he had some scans which has shown that the tumor in his spine has progressed that he actually doesn't have much room left in the spinal cord or around the nerve of his L3 area.  He has had previous radiation and surgery to the area; however, they are now going to take him to surgery before he compresses the nerve and becomes paralyzed from the waist down.  This will require a fusion of his L1-L5.  The nurse kept repeating to him this is major surgery which we realize, and we are not looking forward to.  I am just hoping this will help alleviate some of his pain.  Being a nurse, it is difficult to watch your loved one go through medical procedures since you feel so helpless.
I won't be able to post like I have been which I would rather be doing than sitting in a hospital.
Thanks to all of our family and friends for their love and support which we couldn't go through all this without.  It will be my step-daughter's 28th birthday tomorrow when my husband has his surgery.  So Happy Early Birthday Danielle!

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