Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter Fun - LPSC 95

I know I should be getting some sleep since I will need to spend another day at the hospital with my husband who just had back surgery, but I needed to I made this card.  I had to shovel a couple of inches of snow when I got home too which I didn't enjoy tonight.  This card is for the Kraftin' Kimmie Challenge with a snow theme and Little Paper Shop since it follows the sketch challenge for this week.

Patterned Paper: My Mind's Eye
Cardstock: Bazzil
Stamp: Kraftin' Kimmie Skiing Miles
Ink: Memento, Black Tuxedo
Markers: Copic
Snowflake: My favorite things
Border Punch: Martha Stewart

1 comment:

  1. Love the pattern paper you chose for this card! The colors are beautiful and that mouse is too cute!
