Tuesday, June 7, 2011

True Friend

My daughter is sad about her last few days of high school and I can understand.  I told her that she may have some friends that she may not see again after graduation.  Hard as it is to imagine at that age.  I remember that there were friends that I expected to see when I came home from college, but it never worked out to see them.  Others went there different direction.  Yet some who had unfortunate occurrences/accidents and I never thought death was an option a year or two after graduation.  I have some very wonderful close friends now which I truly appreciate.  That is where this card comes from.

Cardstock:  Paper Company, Bazzil, Recollections
Stamp:  Papertrey
Ink:  Close to My Heart : Chocolate, Brown Bag
        Color box: Chibias
Bling:  Pebbles

JUGS 87 - Sketch
Colour Q  


  1. What a lovely card and sentiment, Lisa! Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week. Sylvia

  2. Beautiful take on this week's colourQ! Thanks so much for playing along with us!

  3. Gorgeous---I totally forgot about this JUGS sketch! I'd better get on it! Thanks for playing with the CQC colors this week, too!

  4. Okay, all right - okie dokie and FANTASTICNESS! This is SUCH a juicily stamped answer to Kathryn's fun sketch! I love your use of it, indeed! Thanks, so very much, for sharing your talent with Just Us Girls!

  5. This is just gorgeous! Love your take on the sketch it happens to be one of my favorite PTI stamp sets also!

    Thanks so much for getting sketchy with Just Us Girls this week!

  6. Gorgeous card Lisa! Love your C&S take on the colors! Thanks so much for playing with the colourQ this week!

  7. I love the way you layered those gorgeous blooms in the corner! This is such a wonderful use of the colors and sketch. Thanks for playing along at the ColourQ this week!
