Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving a little late

I have been working so unfortunately I just haven't found time to sneak on the computer to post.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I made this card for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law following this weeks Color Q scheme.  It has been interesting that I work night shift so I worked on Wednesday and then slept for a couple of hours before driving 90 miles to my parents' home to meet my daughter who was already there since she goes to college in the area.  Then after dinner we drove back to our house and my daughter wanted to do the Friday shopping thing.  I convinced her to start at mid-night (that's more of my normal time to be up anyway).  Her original plan was to go from 4am - 12pm.  Let me tell you by 6am she was dragging.  It was good for her to see what it is like for me to work a night shift and then she expects me to bounce right back to a day shift.  She only has one class on Fridays so she comes home about 11:30am and thinks that after I have just gone to bed around 9am we should go out to lunch.  I only wish I would have taken a picture of her when she was at her "low" point.  She was so tired that when we actually finished she doesn't even remember lying down on her bed and that she didn't eat lunch.  Poor girl now she understands "Shop til you drop."

Patterned Paper:  Nitwit - Enchanted
Cardstock:  Core-dinations, Recollections
Stamp:  Free digital download - Dulemba
Sentiment: Just Rite
Ink:  Memento, Rich Cocoa
Buttons: JoAnn's Basics
Twine:  Just Naturals
Prima Pencils
Spellbinders:  Small Petite Oval, Small Scalloped Petite Oval

Color Q


  1. What a lovely card, Lisa! Hope your holiday was lovely as well. Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ this week.

  2. Fun card, but funnier story about your daughter! Poor thing....she needs to work up her stamina!! LOL! Thanks for playing with us this week!
