Friday, January 20, 2012

Hang in There

My daughter will be returning to go back to college this weekend and she isn't looking forward to it.  Her roommate moved to another college so she will be starting over with another roommate.  Unfortunately, I work this weekend so that I can not help her move her things back since she brought a lot home (a girl needs her clothes and shoes).  It is also suppose to be bad weather so I am worried about her driving back and have encouraged her to go back early which she has refused to do.  Kids?!?!  I made the card for her since I will go back to sending her weekly cards again.  I may need to do it more often since now there may be roommate issues.

Patterned Paper:  Cosmo Cricket, Making Memories
Cardstock:  Paper Company, Recollections
Stamp: Cuddly Buddly - Playful Kitten Karen Middleton
Sentiment:  Verve
Ink:  Memento, Black Tuxedo
Thread:  Stash
Border Punch:  EK Success
Prisma Pencils

Deconstructive Sketch 35


  1. This is so cute! Love that little kitten! Thanks so much for joining us for this week's sketch!

  2. you never know her new roomate may turn out wonderfully Lisa...I know what you mean a girl and her luggage my Daughter was the same when she used to come home for weekends from University lol...I bet your Daughter loves getting her weekly cards as they are so fabulously made by her Mum
    Mina xxx
