Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I made a card using the Verve week 4 Sketch and I used a Papertrey button I had on it.  My husband's comment was "This card, almost looks edible."  I guess he has been eating too many of the pastel M & Ms lately if that is any indication.  I thought it was a cute comment.  I also made a card using a Wryn image from Tiddly Ink that I colored some time ago and finally put it together.  I added some extra stars and stickles to bring out that hope of turning that frog into a prince.  My third card, I used Mo's new image of Carly which my husband also had a comment about the carrot being like a weapon to poke the bunny.  I was trying to use the colors for the Play Date Cafe Color Challenge so I wanted to use the Basic Grey Curio Paper which had the dark border so then I distressed the edges of the other papers with Memento Rich Cocoa ink to try to match.

Patterned Paper:  DCWV
Cardstock:  DCWV & Recollections
Stamp:  Verve - Accent Notes
Ink: Colorbox Chalk: Wisteria & Pastel Olive
Button: Papertrey Ink
Olive twine: stash
Flower:  Prima
Spellbinders:  Large & small circle
Ribbon:  Michael's

Verve Week 4

Patterned Paper:  Basic Grey - Indie Bloom
Cardstock:  Bazzil, Core-dinations, Recollections
Stamp:  Wryn - Tiddly Inks
Stars:  Recollections

Sketch Saturday - Sketch 196
Basic Grey - Stars

Patterned Paper:  Recollections - Shabby Chic, Basic Grey - Curio, K & Company - Sweet Nectar
Cardstock:  Bazzil, Recollections
Stamp:  Mo's - Carly
Ink:  Memento, Rich Cocoa
Lace with hearts:  Wright's
Pearls & Bling:  Recollections
Pin:  Maya Road
Pop dots

CPS - Sketch 254
Mo's Challenge - Lace
Bugaboo: Hearts, Pearls & Lace
Do You Stack Up - Distress  http://doyoustackup.blogspot.com/
Karen's Doodle - Pastel & Easter
Play Date Cafe


  1. Wow....you are a very busy girl with all the awesome cards. And, you fulfilled all the different requirements for so many different cards. I love them all, but Mo's little girl is darling with all the bling, pearls, pink and lace. Thank you for joining us this week at Catch the Bug.

  2. All your cards are pretty, but, of course, I'm partial to Mo's images and love your card using Carly! It's just the sweetest image, and the papers and embellishments you've used are wonderful! Glad you joined us in Mo's Challenge.

  3. Havent we been busy! These are wonderful cards, great work. hugs Shelley

  4. Hi Lisa! What a pretty selection of cards! Thanks so much for joining us at Mo's this week. :)
    ps) I have no strings attached candy on my blog if you'd like to check it out. :)

  5. Fabulous card, such a cute image. Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  6. Cute cards, thanks for playing at The Play Date Cafe!

  7. Your cards are wonderful! I love the little girl with her bunny, but it's funny, as soon as I saw the carrot, I immediately thought,"It does look like a very sharp weapon" LOL.
    Your arrangement and textures and colors and theme are perfect for our challenge at Karen's Doodles. Thank you for playing along with us! :)

  8. Awww she is so sweet. I know I need her now. This is perfectly colored too. Thanks for joining us at MO's this week.

  9. Oh my, you've been a busy girl, Lisa Lynn!! All of your projects are gorgeous...I especially love little Carly! I do believe I need to add this little Mo cutie to my collection! Your coloring is just beautiful! I am so tickled that you've joined us this week at Mo's for our "lacy' challenge!! hugs. Pat Frank

  10. Such wonderful cards, I love that Basic Grey's papers, the sweet Wryn is adorable and lovely sparkly stars.

    I'm so glad you were able to join us at <a href=" http://basicgreychallenges.blogspot.com/!>Basic Grey challenge</a>
    xx Heather xx

  11. wow, you're a busy bee!!!! thanks for joining us at CPS this week! :)

  12. Wow you have been in a creative whirlwind haven't you?? Such a sweet card for the CPS sketch I think that the touch of glam just kicks it up a notch! Thanks for playing along with us at CPS this week!

  13. Such and awesomely sweet card creation! Thanks for joining us in this week's challenge and I hope to see you again.

    Stamping Hugs,

  14. The first card glittering idea is fantastic, and the second one layout is my favorite, also fantastic color scheme.
    Plastic Card Printing
    Plastic Card
