Friday, July 6, 2012

Join me for a cup

Later today, my dear husband who has metastatic renal cancer needs to have a procedure to try to help him with all the pain he is having.  He is having difficulty with the intensity of the pain since it is wrapped around a nerve in his spine and he is on a LOT of pain medications and we deal with lots of side effects.  He has had two surgeries on the spine to try to remove the tumor, but first they try to shrink the tumor by killing it's blood supply which is called an embolization.  He is going to have just that procedure done tomorrow which causes more pain because first it causes the cancer to kill itself and it is the hope that eventually the cancer will shrink and he will have less pain.  He has to spend one night in the hospital.  Tonight he was having so much pain it was difficult to watch him suffer so I hope that this will help.

On a more positive note, I made this card for the There She Goes Challenge using digital stamps from the Sweet Shoppe.  I added a heart and buttons.  My other card is using the new design that is available from TLC, Create with a cup of coffee.  I distress the design with Tim Holtz ink and spritzed it with water.

Patterned Paper & digital stamps - Sweet Shoppe - Reach for the Sky
Cardstock:  Recollections & Bazzil
Spellbinders:  Heart
Buttons:  stash
Divine Twine

There She Goes - Inspiration 163

Patterned Paper:  TLC, Create
Cardstock:  Bazzil- Prism, Paper Company, Recollection
Stamp:  Label - TLC, Create
             Coffee Cup - free digital download
Spellbinder:  Eyelet Circle
Ribbon:  Offray
Flowers:  Recollections
Ink:   Tim Holtz:  Walnut Ink & Old Paper
Liquid Pearls

Chocolate, Coffee, and Cards - Anything Goes

Remember that on Sunday is the TLC, Blog Hop starting at 8:30am PST.


  1. So sorry you husband is having so much pain, Lisa Lynn. Hope the procedure he's having helps. Your cards are beautiful!

  2. Lisa Lynn, so sorry to hear about your hubby's health! I hope that his pain is relieved. I know that this is just as hard for you--we suffer when our hubbies are ill. So I am sending good thoughts for both of you!
    Your cards are both lovely! You make good use of Paulette's images! :^)
    Biggest of hugs,

  3. I am praying for both you and your husband...I know it has to be hard for you to watch him in pain and wish you could do something to bring him comfort. may you both find peace somehow through this ordeal.

    your cards are truly lovely.
