Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hurry up and wait

I feel like there is so much to get done lately, but then I have to wait for test results from the doctor to make more plans so that life is a "Hurry up and wait" game.  Some things seem to be going by so fast while others seem to be taking forever.  Then again, life seems to short and unpredictable.  After working a night shift on Sunday I attended an inservice on Monday morning and then stopped at Cosco on the way home.  After packing my car with fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries I heard some commotion a couple of cars down where an elderly woman 90 years old fell face first in the parking lot carrying her smoothing to the  car.  She slashed her nose and it was bleeding like crazy and she skinned her knee and hand.  Luckily her daughter had a washcloth in the car and she was able to apply pressure, the store got her an ice bag.  I stayed by as a medical person until the ambulance arrived.  Her daughter drove her to the hospital where I think she probably will have received several stitches to the upper part of her nose/forehead area.  She may have received a CT scan of her head since she was getting a rather large lump on her head too.  I felt so bad for her, but the staff of the store was very helpful.  I'm sure she felt like Humpty Dumpty.

For my first card, I made a fall card using a beautiful saying from TLC, Create about falling leaves.  My second card uses this weeks Merry Monday Sketch and an image from Birdie Brown along with sentiment from TLC, Create.

Patterned Paper:  Sweet Shoppe - Every Day Autumn
Cardstock:  Recollection
Acorn:  Sweet Shoppe
Sentiment:  TLC, Create (see above for direct link)
Spellbinder:  Grand Circle
Ribbon:  Michael's
Bling: Recollection
Ink:  Distress: Old Paper & Memento: Rich Cocoa

Sweet Stop Sketch - Sketch #175
Cute Card Thursday - Autumn Gold  http://cutecardthursday.blogspot.ca/

Patterned Paper:  Sweet Shoppe - Deck the Hallls - Chic
Cardstock:  Bazzil, Recollection
Stamp:  Birdie Brown, Torico - Santa Girl
Spellbinder:  Small Petite Oval, Lacey Oval
Circle Punches:  EK Success
Bling: Mark Richards

Merry Monday - Sketch 32  http://www.alwaysplayingwithpaper.blogspot.com/


  1. Tough one...can't decide which I like more. They're both super cute.

  2. Wonderful job on both of your cards. Wanted to stop by and thank you for stopping at my blog. Have a wonderful week.
    Hugs, Patricia

  3. Adorable Christmas card, Lisa! Love your papers and that sweet image!
    Thanks for playing along with us this week over at Merry Mondays! :)

  4. Two beautiful cards again, Lisa Lynn! Great use of the TLC sentiments! With your busy schedule, how do you do it every week? I wish I had your energy level! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  5. Lovely cards. I think the second image is so sweet. I love ethe words on the end of the middle banner.


    Merry Monday FD

  6. Very pretty cards Lisa. You used perfect colors for the seasons. Really like the pretty papers and the touch of gold on your fall card. Darling image on the winter card. Thank you for playing along with us at The Sweet Stop this week.

  7. Wonderful cards, Lisa!! I think that the Autumn one is my fav...can't believe that it's almost that time. Great job!!

  8. Lovely cards Lisa, what a cute image you used on your Merry Monday card. The brown and blue are a perfect combination. Thank you for joining us for Merry Monday

  9. Your Christmas card is so sweet....as you are, to help that poor lady who fell down! How awful! Anyway, so glad you could join us this week at Merry Mondays!

  10. Pretty cards! Thanks for playing along with us this week at The Sweet Stop!
