Sunday, October 28, 2012

File a cat

It has been a week so now I can laugh about it.  Last week, my daughter, Amanda and my Mom came to visit and we did some shopping.  At the end of the visit, Amanda was packing up stuff to take back with her and my Mom and I were settling on some shopping bills.  I have this new plastic file bin for my receipts and while I went to get one, I didn't notice that our smallest Siamese cat Jasmine slid in and got into the middle drawer.  After my daughter left, we searched for Jasmine for four hours before we found her.  Our cats do not go outside, but we were afraid that by chance maybe she did during one of my Amanda's trips to load her belongings in the car.  Amanda was even searching her bags back at the dorm to make sure she didn't sneak in one of them.  We don't normally lose our cats and Jazzy is usually the first out for a treat so we were shocked when we couldn't find her.  So my Mother now teases me, "Have you filed any cats lately?"

I made this card using the Sweet Wednesday Sketch and an image from Bugaboo.  The sentiment is from TLC, Create from one of the clubs.  Paulette has the Winter, Hanukkah and Christmas Club which is going to start on November 10th for more information see TLC, Create.  It is a great deal and a lot of fun to receive the emails with LOTS of wonderful images and sentiments.

Patterned Paper:  Cloud 9
Cardstock:  Bazzil, Recollection
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Scarecrow Pumpkin String
Sentiment:  TLC, Create
Spellbinders:  Circle Small, Scalloped Circle Small, Petite Oval Large, Grand Circle
Dress It Up:  Pumpkins & Pumpkin Patch
Ribbon:  Michael's
Border Punch:  EK Success

Sweet Wednesday Sketch - Sketch 177

Jaz in file drawer

Jasmine looking innocent


  1. Hehe, too funny about filing away Jazzy!! Cute pics of her too. And speaking of cute, your card is adorable! Love your Bugaboo image and embellies. Thanks for joining us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday.


  2. Jaz must have been comfortable... =) Cats are so funny!! Love your card - the papers are awesome and the image just perfect!! Love to see your creations each week!!
    Blessings to you!!
    Sally SSW-DT

  3. Oh my goodness Poor Jazz...I hope that taught her a little lesson. She is a very pretty girl!
    Your card is just adorable. Love the embellishments. Thanks for joining us at SSW.
    Hugs, Heide SSW-DT

  4. Love your story about Jazz! It brought a smile to my face. My cat jumps in drawers ALL the time! Such a cute card you shared with us this week over at SSW. Thanks for playing!

  5. Really cute card and I love that sweet scarecrow! Colored very nicely , I might add. Cute story about the cat, and where he ended up. TFS

  6. Oh Lisa this is a wonderful Halloween card, this image is just so cute with those pumpkins and your added embellishments are wonderful just so perfect for this card. I'm still laughing about your cat, a very similar thing happened to me about 2 years ago. Boys went to the cupboard where I kept all their swim gear, got their gear ready for school one morning in a rush. After they left for school I walked into the room and the cupboard door was open, thought typical males leaving it open!!**## So being such a wonderful mother closed it.!!! That day we had the electrician at our place to do a job or two. That evening the boys had to feed the cats! Where's Ruby??? Oh no!!! the electrician was here as she loved hopping into vehicles, so I rang him but he hadn't seen her. So I started calling and calling her and we could hear tapping so it was sherrrrr listen, it was tapping on a cupboard door, she had hopped into that cupboard at 7.30am that morning and this is now 6.30pm that night and she had been asleep in there for 11 hours. I must admit we were all so happy to see her we thought she had hopped into his van and ran out at his next job. That will teach my boys that if you open something, close it.....I think that's a man thing. Take care and have a wonderful week.
    Kathie SSW-DT
    P.S Thanks for joining us this week.

  7. That is so hilarious about your cat!!!! Thanks for sharing the photos too! That makes it even more funny! Your cat looks way to big to even fit in that drawer!!! Your Halloween card is adorable and your embellishments are perfect!
    Judi SSW DT

  8. Super cute fall card. I love the image and fun papers. Your embellishments are so cute too. Thanks for sharing your photo's of your cat. So funny. Have a great week.
    Nancy SSW-DT

  9. Oh, those cats! They just can't resist getting into things, (and trouble!), can they? :^)
    This is a great take on that sketch, Lisa Lynn! Love your image, papers, embellies, and that great sentiment! (I just used that this week, too!) :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  10. Such a cute card Lisa with these fun papers and embellies. And I loved the story about filing your cat! Thanks for joining us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday!
    Sharon, SSW-DT
