Sunday, November 18, 2012


My daughter usually comes home every other weekend, but this one she planned to stay at college.  I talked with her and decided to drive to see her for the day.  My parents are on vacation, but I was able to have dinner with my daughter as well as my brother and his family.   I will see him at Thanksgiving, but it was still nice to get together.  My nephew is two and is just so adorable.  I finally got to see my daughter's dorm room which to me is amazing that she is able to live is such a small space.  She loves having a room mate, but she is SUCH a social person that I'm not surprised.
I made this quick card using this wonderful sentiment from TLC, Create.  Paulette is going to have the Winter Club still available for a reduced fee starting on Monday.  That is where I got this sentiment along with many others and lots of Winter papers and images.  It is a great deal!!!

Patterned Paper:  Sweet Shoppe - Christmas Countdown
Cardstock:  Core-dinations
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Winter Club
Flowers:  Hero Arts
Star:  Making Memories
Button:  stash

Verve - week 3
Cute Card Thursday - Starry Night
Paper Pretties - PWC232 Buttons 


  1. Hi Lisa, this is such a cute card. Love your papers embellishments and sentiment. This is a great sketch if I have time I might try it. So glad you caught up with your daughter over the weekend. I bet you really miss her? Is she coming home for Thanks Giving? I puchased Liam's school uniform for next year he'll be a year 9 aged 13 starting St Paul's Collegiate I paid just under $2000.00 now I have to sew name labels into over the Christmas holidays. This is the third Christmas break that I've done this with the boys going away to school. Liam starts school on 28 January and isn't allowed home until 16th February something to do with male bonding with the new boarders. Take care and Happy Thanks Giving.

  2. Love your take on this sketch, too, Lisa Lynn! You used very pretty papers, a fun sentiment and great embellies! :^)
    So glad you got to see your daughter! :^)
    Hugs, Penny
