Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ballet Day

Paulette at TLC, Create has pointed out that today is Ballet Day and she has gorgeous free digi papers.  My step-son, Jim dances at Charleston Ballet in SC.  My step-daughter, Danielle dances and performs in Orlando and now teaches dance.  My daughter, Amanda took dance lessons, and then was on her high school dance team which won State for several years.  My son, Trevor took dance lessons when he was young and now just tries to date girls on the dance team.  I was amazed that he was aware that the team went to State last weekend and was searching on Sunday to find out how they did.  Needless to say, I have sewn quite a few pairs of toe shoes and sat through many Nutcracker performances.  I still love to see little girls in tutus and wish I had grace and flexibility.

Patterned Paper:  K & I
Cardstock:  Bazzil & Recollection
Stamp:  Tiddly Ink - Be Bold, Be You
Sentiment:  TLC, Create -Just Dance Word Set
Lace:  Wrights
Pearls: Recollection
Brads:  Paper Studio
Die Cut:  Martha Stewart
Embossing Folder:  Sizzix

Sweet Wednesday Sketch - Sketch 192
C4C171 - Bring Smiles or happiness


  1. Oh how sweet!! Adorable image!! And I love your colors and lace. Thanks for joining us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday.


  2. I love the teal and black colors together. the sentimant is perfect too. Thanks for joining us.
    Hugs, Nancy SSW-DT

  3. This is so cute, Lisa Lynn! Love that sweet image, your take on the sketch & the fab papers & embossing! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  4. Look how dramatic she is with her swan head piece, love it! The Black and teal are perfect together. Thanks for joining us at SSW.
    Hugs, Heide SSW-DT

  5. What a beautiful black swan she is! Love the black/white combo with the touch of teal! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Sweet Sketch Wednesday.

    Peace & Luv,

  6. LOVE your color combo!! Beautiful card!! Always love to see your cards here at Sweet Sketch Wednesday!!
    Blessings to you Lisa Lynn!!
    Sally SSW-DT

  7. Oh Lisa I love it, love it, love it. Three of my very favourite colour combo's together. This image is so so cute and your design paper is very elegant and to top it off the added embossing which is so elegant and perfect for your card. I don't use my embossing folders enough, which I should!!! Great card and thanks so much for sharing it with us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday and good luck.
    Kathie SSW-DT

    P.S Hope your well? and your winter isn't too cold for you. We must be having one of the hottest and longest summers in years. Hugs Kathie

  8. This is terrific! Love your dramatic colors and textures from embossing. Really enjoyed reading of all the dancers in your family too. So glad you joined us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday Lisa!
    Sharon, SSW-DT
