Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First day of spring???

I can't believe that it is the first day of spring. We have a temp of 11 right now with a windchill making it -2 brrr or should I say grrr.  We are also suppose to get between 1/2 to 3/4 inch of snow this evening - YUCK!  My son needed to stay up and do lots of studying so this morning I made him chocolate chip banana bread and he made scrambled eggs and sausage.  I stayed up working on cards so I could keep an eye on him.  Since the weather is what it is....this is what I came up with.

Patterned Paper:  My Mind's Eye
Cardstock:  Recollection; Core-dination
Stamp:  Mo Manning - Winter Fairy Halla
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Flurry of Fun
Punches:  EK Success
Pearls:  Recollection
Ribbon:  Offray
Sakura Jelly Glitter Pen
Spellbinder:  Star Circle

Mo Manning - Ribbon & Pearls
Paper Pretties  - PWC250 Globs of Glitter
There She Goes - Anything Goes

Trevor making eggs

Trevor making sausage

Hope you have a Great First Day of Spring!
hugs, Lisa


  1. Oooh, I think I would have loved the breakfast! And, since it is almost time for dinner here, you have made me very hungry! ;^)
    Love your card! Image is darling, the colors are fab for a winter card, great design & papers & love all the embellies! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  2. Beasutiful coloring Lisa! I love all the pearls and sparkle too! Thanks for playing along with us at TSG - hope you will join us for a new challenge tomorrow!

  3. Very sweet, Lisa. I like all of the sparkle and bling! Congrats on your TSG win this week.
