Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wishing you a happy day

Sometimes no matter how hard you try things just don't seem to go as planned or the way you want them to....so I made this card as an inspiration.  It has a wonderful sentiment from TLC.  The stamp is one from my stash that I just needed to used and worked well given the long panel and I can see this in four equal segments.  Hopefully it will be a better day.

Patterned Paper:  Authenique
Cardstock:  Core-dinations; Recollections
Stamp:  Hero Arts
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Wishing you a happy Day
Ink:  Memento, Rich Cocoa
Button:  stash
Ribbon:  Michael's

Mojo - Sketch 90

Makie it Monday - Ch. 137


  1. Love the yummy colors and papers on this one, Lisa Lynn! :^) I hope today is a better day for you! Sending you big hugs, Penny

  2. This is one super card Lisa Lynn, the colours are gorgeous and such a great layout. Thanks for your lovely comment via MIM.

  3. this is lovely Lisa Lynn, the colors are GREAT!
    i might try to join in this week - i need a card made!
    thanks girl

  4. Hi, Lisa Lynn, what a wonderful project. Great use of both the Mojo Monday Sketch and the Colors from our challenge! Thanks for playing on our street at 613 Avenue Create!
    Chana, Owner

  5. What a great card! Love the image and layout. Thanks so much for sharing with us at 613 Avenue Create. Hope you have a fabulous day!

    - Jenn DT

  6. That's so lovely. Wonderful colours.

    Came via MiM.

    Susan x

    PS thanks for the lovely comment on my blog.

  7. what a fab card ,love the colours and your layout is awesome
    Thanks for joining us at MIM and good luck
    tracey s

  8. Terrific card! Great use of the house stamp, it's perfect for the sketch challenge. Thanks for visiting my blog! We crossed paths at Make It Monday.
