Saturday, November 23, 2013

Decisions, decisions

I can't believe that there are just a little over 30 days until Christmas!!! Things have been so crazy at our house with my husband now being bed bound so we have had to move furniture or make lots of adjustments.  I'm sorry if I'm not keeping up with everyone's blogs and leaving comments since I'm not on my computer as much.  I try to get some quick glances when I get a chance.  My employer has been wonderful and is allowing me to work part-time so I can be home with my husband.  We have hospice, but the nurse only comes once a week as well as the aide; otherwise, I do all of his cares.  Since I am a nurse and he has been in the hospital multiple times, he is familiar with "my way" and prefers that.  It is easier to be a nurse and feel like I am doing something, than the helpless wife who sees him in pain.  It's just that the rest of the house is a mess and I don't have as much time to do my cards right now.  I do a couple here and there just as a quick stress release.  My step-daughter is arriving later today from Orlando, FL.  Not only is she going to freeze her butt off when Sunday it is suppose to be a high in the single digits with the windchill, I think she is going to "freak out" when she is face to face with her Dad after not seeing him for several months.  She has not been coping the best so I have arranged for a grief counselor to meet with all of the kids on Friday so hopefully that will help.  I feel bad, because I haven't even started to think of presents for Christmas yet so I feel so far behind.
I made a CAS card following the Freshly Made Sketches for this week.  The sentiment is from TLC.  Now at least I can add one more card to the pile.

Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollections
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Naughty or Nice, decisions, decisions
White thread
Snowflakes:  Dress It Up

Freshly Made Sketches - Sketch 113
Dream Valley - Ch. 70 Clean and Simple
Craft Your Passion - Ch. 189 Buttons Galore
Creative Knockouts - Ch. 12 Snowflakes
Delicious Doodles - Ch. 63 No Design Paper
Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas - Ch. 152 For a child
Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas  Extra - November


  1. This is a great CAS card, Lisa! I am sorry for all you are going through. It's especially difficult with the holidays fast approaching. I'm sure it will be hard for your husband's kids when they see him. Don't worry about Christmas presents. Just take your time and be sure to take care of yourself, too.

  2. Oh, Lisa Lynn, I am so sorry for you and your family! This has to be such a difficult time for all of you, but I am sure your hubby appreciates your care! And very good of you to arrange for someone to help the children through this. I hope you are getting the support you need, too!
    Love your CAS card--it is such a beautiful, simple design!
    Sending hugs your way, Penny

  3. So sorry to hear of your troubles - sending hugs. Lovely bright fun card - thanks for entering both of my CHNC challenges - hope to see you again soon. x

  4. The sentiment is so cute on this card. I love how it stands out on the white band with the lovely pops of green. the red background is really pretty adding wonderful texture. pretty snowflake buttons, too.Thanks for joining our Buttons Galore challenge at Craft Your Passion. I hope that with all of the taking care of everyone else that you are managing to do a little self-care, too. It's so important in such a difficult time. Sending you a hug.

  5. Lovely Christmas card! I'm sorry for what you are going through. Hugs! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  6. I am so sorry to hear of everything you are going through. This is a great Christmas card ~ LOVE the fun sentiment. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your husband. The card is lovely, though. I always admire when people are diligent enough to actually use their sewing machine in papercrafting. Thanks for sharing at Creative Knockouts.
