Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Walk through Nature Blog Hop Card 2 of 3

I am getting tired of the snow and cold weather that we have been having here in Wisconsin so when Paulette gave me this gorgeous rose to work with I had to come up with something that was more springy.  I don't live too far from the official ground chuck so he better have said what I wanted to hear; otherwise, I might just be hunting him down.  I added two Cherry Lynn butterflies and the background paper is from the last club that Paulette had.  There is another club coming soon. I have two other cards I made using this image.

click on image, then right click and save as

Patterned Paper:  TLC, Create - Language of Flowers Papers 5
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  TLC, Create (see above)
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Caterpillar becomes a butterfly
Circle Punches:  EK Success
Die cuts:  Cherry Lynn
Pearls:  Recollections
Ribbon:  Michael's
OSAAT- Ch. 198 
4 Crafty Chicks - Ch. 179 Anything Goes 
QKR - Ch. 73 Anything Goes


  1. Gorgeous Card~! The colors are wonderful, and the add on of the butterflies is fabulous~!
    Thank you.

  2. Beautiful!!!!!!! you are very creative :)

  3. OMGoodness - this is gorgeous too! Love those butterflies with the image!

  4. Just stunning and the bow is a lovely finishing touch.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  5. Very pretty cards, they are so colorful. Thank you for sharing with us.

  6. A very colourful card with that beautiful pink bow. Thanks for joining us at OSAAT. Hazel x

  7. Another lovely card. Thank you for your inspiration on this blog hop and the freebie. Hope it warms up for you soon. We are having very hot weather here in Australia

  8. Oooh, love your butterflies with this image, Lisa! Perfect sentiment for them! And thank you for the giggle about the ground hog! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  9. I share your wish for spring to arrive soon Lisa Lynn but here in the UK we've actually had very little snow or extremely cold weather .....I'm just tired of all the rain and accompanying greyness of too many days.

    However, you've brightened today with this beautiful spring card ...A lovely reminder that Spring is almost here. I love roses and you've coloured your image beautifully and the presentation on the rose pink card is lovely. Your sentiment and butterfly die cuts complement one another perfectly.

    Thank you for sharing this lovely card in our challenge this week. Ingrid xx ( OSAAT Team )

  10. Hello Lisa!
    Firstly, thank you for dropping by your lovely comment:). Your spring card is gorgeous and I love your butterfly die cut. I also saved this freebie image and inspired me a lot !!!

  11. Pretty card!!!! Thanks so much for participating in our QKR STAMPEDE challenge!! Hope to see you again for our next challenge!!
    A Little Bit O' Paper

  12. Gorgeous card, Lisa! I love the bright cheery colors - I am so sick of winter too! Can't wait for SPRING! Thanks for joining us at 4 Crafty Chicks this week xoxoxo

  13. Paulette gives us such gorgeous images and sentiments and this is one of them. Beautifully coloured and perfect embellishments. Thank you for joining us at OSAAT. Jennie x

  14. Beautiful image,fabulous colouring and brilliant sentiment love the gorgeous bow and pearl flourish-thanks for joining us at OSAAT
    Carol DT x
