Friday, February 28, 2014

Powered by Christmas Spirit

I can't believe it's the last day of February.  I have to hurry post this card since it is for a monthly challenge.  I had the image colored for some time, but due to special circumstances.......just haven't had the chance to put it together.  I kept it rather simple.  I must say, I've had a lack of sleep lately, but needed a little card therapy. It has been rather sad around our house the past few days, and even my cat has tears.

Patterned Paper:  My Mind's Eye
Cardstock:  Core-dinations, Bazzil; Recollections
Stamp:  Digi Stamp 4 Joy - mp245
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Powered by Christmas Spirit
Spellbinders:  Decorative label twenty eight; label thirty two
Border Punch:  Fiskars
Ribbon:  American Crafts
Embossing Folder:  Cuttlebug
Bling:  Mark Richards

Christmas Challenges with a sketch - Ch. 112
Digi stamps 4 Joy - February monthly Christmas challenge
Make it Monday - Ch. 180
Crafty Hazelnuts Christmas - Ch. 165 Use a sentiment
Crafty Hazelnuts Christmas Extra - February


  1. Oh wow Lisa, this is just so gorgeously creative. And I love the girly little dragon, so beautifully coloured. Thank you for taking the time to use this month’s free Christmas image. You have automatically qualified to receive next month’s Christmas image for free, which will be emailed to you at the beginning of March.

    You might also like to enter this beautiful Christmas card over at Lisa’s Linky Party as there are some lovely prizes up for grabs each month.
    {Decosse’s 12 months of Christmas Link Up}

    {Digistamps4Joy Christmas Challenge Co-ordinator}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Very cute! I like the pink papers (I have them too) and the way you coloured the spikes on your dragon to match looks wonderful!
    Thank you for joining us this month at Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge Extra.
    Maureen aka Scrappymo!

  3. Darling card, Lisa! Love your design, fun image, and bright colors. :^)
    I hope that crafting helps give you some comfort, but when you need to, just let those tears flow.
    Much love, Penny

  4. Thanks for entering both of my CHNC challenges with your lovely card - hope to see you again soon. x

  5. Oh Lisa what a super cute card, love those wonderful bright colours and such a fun image. We just need to get away and have some time to ourselves and a little crafting is our fix, some people use drugs, others alcohol and our fix is crafting. LOL Thinking of you and your family.

  6. oh i love the cute dragon :) So glad you joined us for our CHNC challenge extra this month

  7. Such a cute card with the dragon, love it! Thanks for joining CCWS!

    Gr. Jacqueline

  8. You made a cute card, Lisa. I like the girly dragon. Nice you joining us by CCWS!
    Greetings, Hetty

  9. Lovely color scheme and a great take on our CCWS-sketch.
    The dragon is so cute!

    Hugs from Finland,
    Eemeli {DT}
