Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You are Wonder Woman!

Here is another new set from Imagine That! Digis by Kris along with paper.  I just love this set because I think any woman who has gone through treatment is a wonder woman!

Patterned Paper:  Imagine That! Digis by Kris - Awareness Ribbons Paper (see above for link)
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection; Core-dination
Stamp:  Imagine That: Digis by Kris - BCA Super Hero (see above for direct link)
Spellbinder:  Marvelous Square; Pennant
Bling:  Paper Studio

Digi Sketch - Pink and Sparkly (S, T)
Sisterhood of Crafters - Think Pink
Tuesday Throwdown - Ch. 217 Awareness
Cupcake Inspirations - Ch. 282
Craft Your Passion - Where There's Hope


  1. Good morning sweetie, this is just stunning!! hugs Pops x x x

  2. Another perfect card for our "Think Pink" challenge at "The Sisterhood"!! Thank yu for joining us and hope to see you back next week!!
    Diane TSH DT

  3. That is fantastic!! Love the reference to Wonder Woman. Because women who are fighting cancer, that's what they are!!

    Thanks for sharing it with us over at the Sisterhood of Crafters. Happy Crafting! And thank you for "Thinking Pink!"

  4. Great card - perfect for this month! Thank you for joining us this week at Cupcake Inspirations.
    -Sandy, DT Sweetie

  5. Another PERFECT entry into our challenge! These encouraging cards are sure to bring a smile! Thanks so much for joining us at The Sisterhood’s ‘THINK PINK’ challenge and please come back again soon!
    one of the 'Sistahs'
    The Sisterhood of Crafters

  6. Great card, Lisa! Love your choice of papers, image and details!

  7. Oh Lisa this card is perfect such a great image and your wonderful colours and design papers. I think we all know someone that's been through it a lady I went to Argentina with last year found a lump in her breast whilst one the telephone talking to her Dad, she's a pharmacist at a major hospital so went down and had a mammogram straight away, the lump was nothing but they found cancer in both breasts so three weeks ago she had a double mastectomy and reconstruction a total of 14 hours in threatre and now on the road to recovery. You just never know. Take care and have a great week.

  8. Sweet card Lisa, I love these images that Kris has. Love the sketch you followed as well. great coloring.
    Lynne DT IT

  9. Well here I am again to say your card is wonderful but this time I am going to thank you for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown for Awareness week.
    Linda K. DT

  10. such an awesome the card...thanks for sharing at cupcake inspirations

    Tina sweetie dt

  11. Super card, great colours, really gets the message across Hugs your Imagine That teamie Txx

  12. Gorgeous card, perfect for all those wonder women out there!
    Thanks for palying in the THINK PINK challenge at The Sisterhood Of Crafters this time!
    Good Luck
    Dawn GDT xx

  13. Great take on the sketch! Love the paper--it goes perfectly with your cute image! And the sentiment is perfection! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  14. Lovely & beautiful card. Thank you for joining us this week at Cupcake Inspirations - Eva, Sweetie DT -

  15. Another great card, great lady!

    Thanks again for joining us at tuesday throwdown

    Tracey dt

  16. Great card love the colours thank you for entering our challenge over at Digi Sketcj Challenge 😀
