Thursday, February 12, 2015

Groovy kind of LOVE

I grew up with my Mom wearing lots of high heel shoes, and owning LOTS of shoes! Well we could just say that shoes are her "thing" so when I saw this stamp at Bugaboo....I just had to get it.  My Mother has shoe trees to store. It is quite a system.  I used to say that my Mom was short; however, that is no longer politically correct she is height challenged so she has shoes in a variety of heights. Now that she received breast cancer treatment she had a side effect of some peripheral neuropathy so she is not able to wear the skinny spiked heels anymore or put as much pressure on her toes.  She will love this card with the bling! The sentiment is from TLC which can be found in two different sets.

Patterned Paper:  My Mind's Eye
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Valentine Heel
Sentiment:  TLC, Create (see above for direct link)
Ribbon: American Crafts
Spellbinder:  Small and large circles; Scalloped circle
Border punch:  Fiskar
Bling:  Paper Studio & Mark Richards

SSS - Sketch 303
Catch the Bug - Anything Goes
Crafter's Cafe - Ch. 103 Hearts
Glitter 'n Sparkle - Ch. 123 Love is in Air


  1. Thank you so much for linking up with us in our “February Anything Goes” challenge at Catch The Bug! Please join us, again, next time, for a new sketch and more chances to win! ~~Sammibug~~ DT Member For Bugaboo Stamps

  2. This looks great, love the fancy shoe! Wonderful take on the Stella Says Sketch Challenge, thanks for playing along.

  3. Thank you for joining us at Glitter n Sparkle for our 'Love is in the air' challenge

    Good luck
    Tracey DTxx

  4. Cute card - love the bugaboo shoe...very sassy! thanks so much for sharing with us over at GLITTER N SPARKLE - Vic, DT x

  5. What a cute fun card. Love the shoe. Thanks for joining us at The Crafter's Cafe for our "Hearts Challenge" and we hope to see again real soon. Hugs, Gale DT

  6. Awww, it's perfect for your mom! I wish her good health! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  7. What a pretty card!
    Thanks for joining Stella Says Sketch this time round! Good luck in the Draw!
    luv'n huggz
    Jen Leeflang
