Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Here is a Valentine I made and sent to my son who is stationed in Ft. Lee, VA.  He did have blond hair, but now he doesn't have much at all, hehe.  Last year he wanted me to make a card for his girlfriend and he wanted three different images so it was the first pop-up card I made so I could get it all to work the way he wanted.  Now this year, I just feel lucky to be able to send him a card.  I only wish I could kiss him goodnight.

Patterned Paper:  My Mind's Eye
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollections
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Deacon XO
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Kisses ticket
Ribbon:  Michael's & Target
Border Punch:  Martha Stewart
Ink:  Tim Holtz; Distress Old Paper

Mojo - Sketch 384
Catch the Bug - Anything Goes
TTCRD - Anything Goes
Papertake Weekly - Hearts and Flowers
Tuesday Throwdown - Ch. 231 Love is in the Air


  1. Bet your son loved the card! Hugs to you and to him for his service. Thanks for playing in Bugaboo's challenge.

  2. Adorable card, Lisa Lynn. Love the ticket sentiment! Thanks for joining the Anything Goes Challenge at Catch the Bug this week!

  3. Does you son know Santa's sneaking up on him in the first pic? Love the image you've chosen and your design, great for a guy - hope he loves it. thanks for joining us at TTCRD and good luck
    Andrea x

  4. Such an adorable card. Thanks for playing along with Mojo Monday!

  5. The heart ribbon is a perfect embellishment!
    Thanks for sharing your creativity with us at Bugaboo Stamps this week. Good luck in the draw. Please pop by later to find out the details of our next challenge.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    Jen Leeflang
    Bugaboo DT

  6. Very sweet card! That image is just so adorable!
    Thanks so much for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown!
    <3 Emily L. - DT

  7. You must be so proud of him, Lisa! :^) And your card for him is a wonderful take on that sketch--I bet he loved it! :^)
    Hugs, Penny
