Friday, August 28, 2015

Doggone cute

Why is it that when artists draw some creatures they look adorable and we buy the stamps, but in real life we would be screaming and running the other direction?  This Snoozing puppy is precious with the mouse on it; however, if we saw that at our home, we would be trying to get the mouse off our dog or taking it to the vet for rabies shots.  Miss Rach has this adorable baby shark and if I saw that while I was swimming I would be racing to get out of the water!  The one thing that does scare me is that my husband and I would go on trips and love to get into our photography, but would observe people in the Everglades or Custer park that think buffalo that walk up to your car are tame.  These are WILD animals and I worry about people getting hurt in such places.
For this card, I used the Snoozing puppy which is the August progressive challenge at Gerda Steiner.  I used a wonderful sentiment from TLC.  Love your critters and be safe with creatures.

Patterned Paper:  My Mind's Eye - Inde
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  Gerda Steiner (see above for direct link)
Sentiment:  TLC, Create (see above for direct link)
Spellbinder:  Pennant
Buttons:  Dress it Up

Tuesday Morning Sketches - Sketch 315
Gerda Steiner - August
OSAAT - Ch. 244  4 Legged friends
Eureka - Ch. 155 Button, Button


  1. Lisa Lynn, this is so fun! Thanks for the love on my post! ;)
    Karen C

  2. Such a cute card Lisa I just love it, and your embellishments are great.

  3. Such a cute card Lisa I just love it, and your embellishments are great.

  4. Aww! This is so sweet! Love this adorable image!
    Thanks for playing along this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!!
    Debbie (TMS DT)
    Debbie's Dash of This and That

  5. Such a cute card just adorable. Thanks for joining us this week at Eureka Stamps. Karal DT

  6. OMGosh, Lisa, what an adorable take on that sketch! Love that sweet image! :^)
    And you are right about wild animals. They are dangerous! I remember when my family used to go to Glacier Park in the 50's, and people were stopping on the road to feed the bears out of their car windows. Crazy!
    Hugs, Penny

  7. That puppy is beyond cute! Thank you for taking the time and sharing your creativity with us at OSAAT this fortnight, I hope you have enjoyed playing along as much as we have enjoyed seeing your talent. Love 'n' hugs Sall OSAAT DT.
