Friday, September 11, 2015

Chill Out

If you read my last post - that's what you would be saying to me - CHILL OUT!
This adorable sentiment is from a great set at TLC and the fun image is from Pink Gems.  I added a few pearls to the hat of the one snowman. I like the Non-traditional colors for a Christmas card.

Patterned Paper:  American Crafts
Cardstock: Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  Pink Gems - Cheers Chilly
Sentiment:  TLC, Create (see above for direct link)
Spellbineders:  Small and Large Petite Ovals
Twine:  Hemptique
Buttons:  My Favorite Things
Pearls:  Recollections
Ribbon:  American Crafts

Sweet Sketch 2 - Sketch 67
Gem of a Challenge - Ch. 152 Do you want to build a snowman?
CRAFT - Ch. 328 Christmas
CHNC Extra - September
Cardz 4 Guyz - Ch. 87 3 of something (buttons)
Incy Wincy - One for the Boys
Come and Get It - Buttons and Bows


  1. Nice card and layout. Thank you for joining us at Come And Get It challenge. Bunny DT

  2. Awww super cute card Lisa Lynn fab design papers..these guys are gonna have some

    Thanks for sharing with us @ AGOAC this wk..

    smiles Christine x

  3. Beautiful card.I love all your gorgeous embellishments. Love your coloring and image are fab! Thank you for sharing your wonderful project with us at Come And Get It challenge.Neva

  4. Gorgeous card, such a fun sentiment and fab papers too, always great to see a PG image. Thanks for joining us at A Gem of a Challenge xx

  5. OMGosh, I LOVE your sentiment!! So cute (as is your card!!) Thanks for sharing this gem with us over on the Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 blog. Always glad to see your cards Lisa.
    ~Jo, SSW2-DT

  6. A lovley card, out of the norm. Spotted the three buttons for our challenge. Thanks for joining us at Cardz 4 Guyz. Caz DT

  7. Such a fun card Lisa and I love that sentiment and use of the non Christmas papers.
    thank you for playing along with us again this week.
    Anne SSW2-DT

  8. Such a cute card Lisa I love this fun image and such pretty colours and great embellishments and I just adore your sentiment. Remember tomorrow is always another day. Great card as always and thanks so much for sharing your card with us over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 and good luck.
    Kathie SSW2-DT

  9. What a fab creation. Thanks for joining us at Cardz For Guyz this week, hope to see you again soon.
    Hugs Sharon DT xx

  10. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at Cardz 4 Guyz, good luck!!! Amy DT

  11. Hi Lisa Lynn - what a fun Christmas card ... love the beer mugs! Thanks for playing along at Incy Wincy Designs this week.
    Helen x (IWDT)

  12. Oh I love those snowmen, great fun card

    Thanks for playing along at Cardz 4 Guyz this week x

  13. Super cute snowman! Love the cute image and fun saying. Thanks for joining us. Hugs, Heide SSW2-DT

  14. Gorgeous card. This is certainly a reminder for me to get started on my Christmas cards!! Thank you so much for joining us at Incy Wincy Challenge Blog this week. Hugs Traci DT xx

  15. Great sentiment for a lovely card. Thank you for joining in the challenge at CHNC Extra for September.
