Saturday, September 26, 2015

Housework gives me arachnophobia!

As I said in my previous post about cleaning, I live in a wooded lot so.....I have a few spiders and bugs.  My Dad is complaining that is why I have so many woodpecker holes in my cedar siding is because there are so many bugs and little critters such as moths, caterpillars and the like outside that the birds want to munch on.  So with that being said, I have to take care of those critters on the inside too.  It's always fun when we get a bug or moth inside since with three cats they love to chase it.
For my card, I used a can of spray Krylon webbing that I had from years ago to create the background.  I put a piece of webbing ribbon around the middle.  Those gorgeous spiders I've had for years, but I don't know who the manufacturer is since I didn't save the label of the stickers. The image is from a wonderful new set at Imagine That called Dust if you Must.  It's a fun, 3D card!

Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollections
Stamp & Sentiment:  Imagine That - (see above for direct link)
Krylon webbing spray
Ribbon:  May Arts
Spiders:  Stash 

JUGS - Ch. 312 Photo Inspiration 
613 Avenue Create - Ch.142 Anything Goes
TTCRD - Anything Goes


  1. LOL - Super fun card! Thanks for joining in at JUGS~

  2. We have our fair share of bugs, too, but no woodpeckers.
    Really fun card! Love the spideys! 😄

  3. Love your layout - so different and those bugs are so cute. thanks for sharing with us this week at Just Us Girls.

  4. So adorable! Love your background and webbed ribbon! And the duster and spiders are fabulous!!


  5. LOLOL How cute is that? Yeah, housework does that to me, too! Thanks for joining us for the Color Throwdown.

  6. This is just too fun! Love all the details and dimension. Thanks for joining us at The Color Throwdown!

  7. Hey Lisa....the spiders are so cute and friendly =D Lovely card! I'm delighted to see your work entered in the ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door. Please join us again this week. Have fun creating :)
    Qinaahana Arts and Crafts {My Blog}

  8. What a hysterical sentiment that I think we all can attest too! Fantastic job with our color challenge at Just Us Girls and thanks so much for joining us this week and hope to see you in our gallery again soon!
