Tuesday, October 6, 2015


My son's girlfriend will be graduating from "basic training" for the Navy.  He likes giving her my cards so I had to make him one.  So this is what I came up for him.  Now there have been times that he has designed the card himself so this time I had free - reign.   I made a Tri-Fold Shutter Card.  The sentiment is from a great set at TLC.

Patterned Paper:  Nitwit - Coastal
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Sentiment: TLC, Create (see above for direct link)
Anchor:  Martha Stewart punch
Bling:  Recollection
Flowers:  Wild Orchid Crafts
Buttons:  My Favorite Things
Twine:  Divine Twine & Maya Road
Ribbon:  Offray

Fan-Tastic Tuesday - Ch. 106 Use 2 Patterned Papers
Digistamp 4 Joy - Ch. 117 Anything Goes twist "B" (Bravo, blue)
Papertake - Anything Goes
QKR - Ch.159 Anything Goes


  1. Love your nautical card Lisa - it's fabulous.
    Thank you for joining us at QKR Stampede this week, Pirjo DT

  2. Awesome card Lisa! The perfect "Navy" card! Congrats to your son's girlfriend! Thanks for joining us this week at QKR Stampede!

    Brenda DT

  3. Very cool design & details, Lisa! I am sure she will love it! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  4. hi Lisa beautiful card you have made
    Thanks for join us at
    {Digistamps4Joy DT Member}

