Monday, October 26, 2015

Have you been good or bad?

This is something I wonder every time I come home.....and see my Siamese cats....have you been good or bad?  My cats are gorgeous, but can be soooo naughty.  My boyfriend has 2 Siamese and I have 3.  He can have fresh flowers and plants, I can't.  He can leave a pen/pencil out on a table, I can't.  He can leave rubberbands out, I can't.  And his have claws so I don't know if this is payback.  We both LOVE our cats and all of our cats our spoiled!  It is interesting when I pick up food for all of them since his cats each eat different foods and mine eat differently than his so it looks like we have a cat farm.
For my card, the adorable sentiment is from TLC and the image is from Bugaboo.

Patterned Paper:  Me and My Big Ideas
Cardstock:  Bazzil;  Core-dinations; Recollection
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Christmas Cat
Sentiment:  TLC, Create (see above for direct link)
Spellbinder:  Elegant Ovals
Border Punch:  Fiskars
Ribbon:  Ofray
Button:  Stash
Circle Punches:  EK Success
Divine Twine

Stella Says Sketch - Sketch 316
Cat Lover's Blog Hop - Anything Cat
Eureka - Ch. 164 Pets/Animals


  1. love the image
    and your card is super cute

  2. Had to giggle at the cat farm comment! What fun! Your little Bugaboo cat is adorable, too!

  3. Hello, Lisa Lynn! This is so cute and adorable! I love this Bugaboo image! Your colouring is so beautiful! Cute sketch too! I enjoyed reading about your kitties and your BF's kitties! I totally understand about not being able to leave anything out, like a pencil. Brian left one out on the coffee table the other day and it ended up providing loads of playtime enjoyment for Honeydew! Today I found a toy mouse in my bed! Brian saw Honeydew walking down the hall with it in his mouth - I was happy it was a toy mouse and not a real one hehe! Glad to see you at the hop!

  4. Oh, what an appropriate sentiment for cats!!! lol... Love the cute expression on this kitty's face because he knows he's been naughty!!! Your layered diecuts look so pretty along with all the other elements on this fun Christmas card.

    At our house, we just assume the cats were bad and blame them for all the mishaps. Ha. We have a couple of Siamese X cats, including Chaienne and Othello, but no Siamese patterned kitties. Our family LOVES what the Siamese brings to the mix in a Siamese X.

    Siamese are long-lived, intelligent, and quirky. Bred to be the royal palace guards in ancient Siam, our Othello still retains some of that genetic code. He's at least as good at alerting us to strangers as our dog is. The best cats I have ever had were ones with Siamese in them. Life with 5 of them must be a trip!

    Thanks so much for helping kick-off my Cat Lovers Hop with this wonderful card!!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

    CAT LOVERS HOP going on now through Oct. 30 at

  5. I love this darling Christmas kitty! Who doesn't love kittens at Christmas? Perfect for this Cat Lovers Hop!
    Take care!

  6. oh my, I LOVED reading your story! My mum used to always have Siamese, she loved them and their personalities dearly. They are soooo smart - AND mischievous! What a brood with 5 all together! Love your card its fabulously kitty Christmas!

  7. What a beautiful Christmas card. Love all your elements and your take on the sketch is purr-fect!

  8. Such an awesome card Lisa, you've done a fantastic job on it.

  9. Very sweet and lovely card,Lisa Lynn.

  10. Super cute Lisa! I'm drooling over all the yummy layers and that cute kitty with the rosy cheeks!

  11. Great kitty card I am here from the hop

  12. Haha, I know exactly what you mean when you describe your kitty tribe. When we had 5 cats we never had a Christmas tree...because it wouldn't be standing for longer than a day before it was demolished! Cats definitely have their own way of doing things, and they usually aren't amenable to discussion! This cute cat may look innocent now but you just know he's up to something naughty sooner or later!

  13. Love this cute creation in traditional colors! The image is super cute with this lovely sentiment and layered them so beautifully! Happy fun hopping!

  14. Sweet little card! Great take on the sketch too!
    Thanks for playing at Eureka Stamps this week in our Pets/Animals challenge!
    Good Luck
    Dawn xx

  15. Super Christmas card for a cat lover. Thanks for sharing it with us at Eureka Stamps.

  16. Very pretty Christmas card, especially perfect for the cat lovers!! The kitty image is so sweet and I love the stand up part on the card :)

  17. Very cute Christmas card and perfect for our cat loves. TFS Karen x

  18. I had a Siamese once. She drove me crazy. Never again. LOL!
    Love the cute image and sentiment on this one! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  19. This is just adorable! Thanks so much for playing along with The Bug Blog/Bugaboo Stamps Stella Says Sketch challenge. We hope you'll join us again for our new sketch challenge!
    Hugs & Happy Days!
    Min - Bugaboo Stamps/Catch The Bug Asst. DT Coordinator

  20. Fabulous card and great story of your Siamese cats.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com
