Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jesus is the gift

I have been going to town with Nativity cards since that is the challenge at CHNC and I just think that is the reason for Christmas cards!  Like I said in a previous post, we just get caught up in all the other stuff in the running around, the hussle and bussle and people forget to be nice.  I know I am MORE than guilty of this myself.  Today, I got new quotes on car/home insurance and found a better price with an agent that is closer to my home.  I have been having problems with my current agent and his staff since my husband passed away (now over 18 months ago) and I have had to make changes to the policies.  Today, I was going to go into their office and tell them that I was dropping them with pleasure, but when I got there I had to fill out some forms and the receptionist confided in me that her husband was just diagnosed with cancer and has brain mets and has less than 6 months to live and that then she will be in a similar situation and they have been married for 45 years.  Being a nurse, I did my counseling and spent time talking with her and she thanked me for doing so, and I left without telling them that on November 6th I will be dropping them.  I just thought it was the wrong time to do so, but felt I was needed in a different way today, and it was better that I was there in person than on the phone.  We have to remember - it's not about me, there are others in this world who have problems/issues to.

Patterned Paper:  Sweet Shoppe - Eskimo Kisses
Cardstock: Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  Whimsy - Touched by Love
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Jesus is the gift
Spellbinder:  Label Number 1
Flowers:  Wild Orchid Crafts
Divine Twine

Papertake Weekly - Pick One - Sketch
CHNC - Ch. 252 Nativity
CHNC Extra - October
Fab 'n Funky - Ch. 279 Christmas
Word Art Wednesday - Ch. 207 Anything Goes
ABC Christmas Challenge - V for Very Cute


  1. What a sweet card, the image is adorable and the colours of your papers match so well. Thank you for joining us at The 12 months of Christmaslinkup blog. Helen DT. xx

  2. A good reminder that whatever plans we may have, God has bigger and better plans and many times uses us to bless others if we just follow with an open heart. Thanks for sharing your story Lisa. Your card is wonderful too. :) xx

  3. What a beautiful card, and a very thoughtful visit to your insurance agent's place of business.

  4. Wonderful image for your take on this design! :^)
    And really fabulous what you did for the gal at the insurance company. You were needed there, for sure! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  5. You're so right, Jesus IS what Christmas is all about. This card is very cute and really showcases the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks for playing with CHNCC2 and thanks for the reminder that everyone is going through something even though we might not know about it.

  6. Lovely card and touching story, Lisa. Since I am new to your blog, I didn't know you had lost your husband to the cancer you mentioned in one of your cat posts. I am so sorry. What a terribly hard thing to go through.

    I love that you were able to minister comfort and peace to the gal at the insurance office. 2 Corinthians chapter 1 mentions how the difficult trials we face help us to comfort those who also are going through challenges, because of the comfort we have received from Christ Jesus. That was the main event of the day. You did well to wait for a different time to break ties with that company. :) Blessings to you!!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

    CAT LOVERS HOP EXTENDED!! Link up thru Nov.1, Comment thru Nov.3 at!!!

  7. Wonderful card! Thanks so much for joining us at Papertake Weekly!

  8. Lovely card, Good luck with the ABC Christmas Challenge DT call
    hugs Samantha :0)

  9. Love this image, wonderful card! Thanks for joining us at ABC Christmas Challenge. Lisa DT

  10. Very cute! Great take on the V Challenge. Thank you for playing along with the ABC Christmas Challenge!!
    ABC Christmas Challenge DT
