Friday, October 30, 2015

There's no BUTT about it...

Our male cat, Casio will stick his butt towards you when he wants to show his cattitude.  I've had this stamp from Melgens and have always found it funny along with the sentiment.  For this card I made yarn balls by punching a piece of cardstock and then wrapping it with twine or jute.

Patterned Paper:  DCWV
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollections
Stamp & Sentiment:  Melgens
Circle Punch:  EK Success
Divine Twine
Jute:  May Arts
Spellbinder:  Grand Label Four

Cat Lover's Blog Hop - Anything Goes
CRAFT - Ch. 335 Shaped cards
TTCRD - Anything Goes


  1. Oh ha ha ha - this is hilarious and just like cats too - the sentiment is fab and I really love this funny card - It's made my day - Michelle x

  2. Tee-hee! I LOVE how cat's tails make question marks like that second one!! Cute pom-pom balls of yarn!

  3. Hahahaha - I LUV this card and your wonderful balls of yarn :-) I have this stamp too and it always makes me giggle like a school girl :-D


    IKE x

    My Challenge Blog
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  4. Love this card, great take on the sketch. (I used it too)

  5. Hahaha, I love this! I won this Meljen's image a while back and I don't think I've used it yet. I chose it because I wanted to make a card for my hubby Brian - our cat Honeydew always sticks his butt in Brian's face - always! It's a running gag here! I even have a funny photo of it! So I guess Honeydew likes to show his Cattitude too! Awesome card! And I forgot to tell you last night in my sleep-deprived stupor how cute Casio is! What a sweetie-pie!

  6. Oh my, how funny! Cute card. Great job on the yarn balls.

  7. Haha! This really made me LOL! We've got 2 cats and sooo know what you're talking about! Fun card!
    Thanks for playing along this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!!
    Debbie (TMS DT)
    Debbie's Dash of This and That

  8. Oh yes, this is such a typical cat thing!!! I have a rubber stamp with a similar image and I'm going to have to look for it now that I've seen your fun card. Cats only stick their butts in your face if they like and trust sounds like Casio likes being your special kitty!!

  9. Awesome card Lisa! Fabulous coloring...genius way for making the "balls of yarn"!


  10. Awww, very cute take on the sketch--really love that fun image and sentiment! :^)
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs, Penny

  11. I love the humour of the cats bottom - the saying goes "you've never been truly insulted until the cat shows you his bum."- this is so true - a very sweet card.

  12. Thanks for joining us at C.R.A.F.T. Challenges this week!
    Monica - DT

  13. Oh, how funny. This reminds me of a Pinterest photo of some cat body art I saw recently on someone's tummy. Guess what part of the cat the person's belly button was in the artwork..... Yep, you guessed it. Oh, my..... lol...

    Great card. Love the balls of yarn!!!

    Thanks so much for linking this up in the Cat Lovers Hop!!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

    CAT LOVERS HOP EXTENDED!! Link up thru Nov.1, Comment thru Nov.3 at!!!

  14. Aww this is extremely creative! Cute images!!! Coloured beautifully! Love the balls of wool!!

  15. What a fun, laugh out loud, card. Thank you for sharing with us at the C.R.A.F.T.
    Challenge. - Myrna DT

  16. Cute :) I love how you created your your balls of yarn. Thank you for joining us for Tuesday Morning Sketches,

  17. I'm here from the Cat Lovers Hop. I love the cat butts!

  18. I have a stamp like that but haven't had the "yarn balls" to use it - LOL - sorry!! What a fabulous card :)
