Saturday, November 21, 2015

T is for Turtle Doves

It is interesting that this week in Paulette's Winter Club at TLC she had this wonderful sentiment about turtle doves and this is the FREEBIE at Miss Rach's this week.  The challenge for the week is Thankful.  I did more of a Christmas card with the dove friend image.  I will have another card this week with her turkey image.  I made this a pop up box card which is one of my favorite layouts.

Patterned Paper:  Basic Grey; Echo Park
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  Miss Rach - Dove friend
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - T is for tinsel toys
Straws:  American Crafts
Snowflake punch:  EK Success & Cherry Lynn
Snowflakes:  Hobby Lobby
Ink:  Memento - London Fog
Spellbinder:  Small and large petite ovals
Ribbon:  Really reasonable ribbon
Pearl:  Recollection

Creative Knockouts - Ch. 116 No square cards
A snowflake promise - Ch. 10 Anything Goes
CHNC Extra - November
Incy Wincy - Critters small and large
Creatalicious - Ch. 81 Merry Christmas
Glitter 'n Sparkle - Ch. 163 Add a die and/or punch
Scribbles - Ch. 35 Non-traditional Christmas colors


  1. Oh, such gorgeous paper for this pop-up box! Love this! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  2. Brill pop up box hun fab idea teamie tracey x

  3. Fantastic project thank you for joining the CHNC EXTRA CHALLENGE
    lorraine x

  4. Box cards are my favorite! This one is great. Thank you for joining the Creative Knockouts Challenge. April

  5. What a fun holiday box card! Thank you so much or playing along with us at Scribbles Designs!!

  6. What a beautiful explosion box! So very pretty!

    Thank you for supporting our challenge - we really to appreciate it!

    Thanks for joining us at Scribbles Designs!
    Sandy S
