Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Happy Birthday from the cat

Well last night I had a little mishap and I fell down a couple of my stairs.  It's so embarrassing, and I feel like such an idiot, but the point of the story is that my cat was there to comfort me when my foot was in throbbing pain and I was crying.  My oldest cat which is my male, Casio was licking my tears.  My boyfriend works nights and I text him and he did offer to come be with me and I didn't want him to leave work because there wasn't anything he could do for me, and like I said Casio had it under control and was doing all he could to comfort me and help me with the pain.  Now one of my girls, Jasmine likes to sleep on my feet, and she couldn't understand why I get kicking her off last night.  My third Siamese cat is Snookie and well she just didn't care.  I have bought them soft and fuzzy beds; however, they like to sleep in hard plastic hospital wash basins so they are lined up on the bottom of my bed when I go to work.

Siamese all in a row

Patterned Paper:  DCWV
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Paper Company; Recollections
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Bug K Kitty 02
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Happy Birthday from the cat
Spellbinder:  Pennant, Small and Large Circles
Punch:  flower- Tonic
Ink:  Memento - London fog
Pearl:  Recollection
Leaves:  Die-Namics

Viva la Verve - October Sketch 1
Craft your Passion - Ch. 335 Anything Goes
Crafting from the Heart - Ch. 133 Anything Goes


  1. Oh Lisa I'm so sorry to hear of your pain I so wish I was closer and able to help you. I know what you mean about a cat sleeping on your feet. I have my prince Spike who sleeps on my feet every night, we have an American Super King Size Bed, room for four people and have a cat that sleeps on my feet. Oh I do hope your feeling better soon. Love your card it's super cute and such pretty colours love that image. I can't get over your cats sleeping in those wash basins. Mine sleeps all day on the boys Bean Bags. Take care and look after yourself.


  2. oh Lisa I hope you are not in big pain.
    your cats in row are so adorable!
    and card is so sweet!
    Fiki from Croatia

  3. Lovely card Lisa with an adorable image! Sorry to hear about your fall, but glad Casio comforted you! Isn't it just typical that cats ignore the lovely comfy beds we give them and opt for a cardboard box or, in your case, a wash basin! x from UK

  4. So sorry to hear of your fall. Yea for Casio! Kitty boys always seem to take care of their Mommys. Hope you're on the mend. Adorable card and fab work on with the sketch. Love the pic of your cats. too cute! xxD dlmundinger(at)yahoo(dot)com USA

  5. Oh no, Lisa, I hope you recover quickly. That sounds very painful. Aren't kitties wonderful though? Such a comfort when we need them. Sounds like you'll be hobbling around for a while. Your cats are absolutely GORGEOUS! I love the pans they sleep in. I have to ask... do they always sleep in the same pan or do they switch it up? Mine were sleeping in cardboard boxes but they were getting ratty so I switched them over to plastic pans like yours (actually they are cheapy litterboxes from the dollar store) but lined with a soft towel and the cats love them. They switch boxes all the time though so I was curious about yours. It's only my boys that sleep in them. Snowie sleeps anywhere but usually finds a heat source.

    Oh yes, your card is adorable! I love kitties with balloons - they make me happy! Glad you're having fun at the hop!

    KT Fit Kitty
    fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  6. "My third Siamese cat is Snookie and well she just didn't care." You do not know how hard this made me laugh. Spoken like a true cat! I used to have a cat named Fido who would lick your tears...that little sandpaper tongue on your eyelids... yeah, you couldn't stay sad for long. I'm sorry to hear about your fall though. That's no laughing matter. You card is adorable. I love the greeting. HB from the cat! Of course the cat is hoping that you got lemon purr-ingue pie instead of birthday cake and that you'll share...
    PJ from USA, princessjudy4 @

  7. So sorry to hear you fell, Lisa. I did that too, but I spilled grape soda everywhere on my way down. aaaaH!
    Your cats are so cute. Hugs and feel better soon.

  8. Gosh Lisa..hope you have not done real damage and so comforting to have your cat soothing you..your card is adorable,very sweet image..
    Take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  9. Oh Lisa!! Sorry to hear about your fall! Hope you heal quickly! Glad your cat was there to comfort sweet he was licking your tears away! Adorable the sentiment!


  10. Your card is so cute. Sorry you are injured. I hope you are feeling better soon. I loved seeing the picture of your kitties and the story about them sleeping in the tubs.

  11. Oh, boy cats can be so sweet. I do hope you are feeling better now. USA

  12. Ouch! I hope you are feeling better! I had a cat named Spike who comforted me through a horrible divorce - funny how they can sense your pain. As for cats sleeping on your feet, Junior, one of my current four, sleeps on my feet, Sylvester on my legs. . .and we have a king size bed! Gotta love them :) Your card is so festive and colorful - it's adorable! hugs! Christi ~ StampinDiva at yahoo dot com ~ USA

  13. Ouch! I'm so sorry to hear about your mishap but am happy that your sweet kitties are serving as perfect nurses. Isn't it just like cats to prefer plastic bins over fluffy beds though. Love your happy little card and hope you feel better soon.
    kladd94803 at

  14. What a sweet kitty on your card! Sorry about your tumble! Had fun reading about the different reactions of your cats. Amazing how cats'll choose anything cool and cozy over warm and fluffy. (USA - dcomer1 gmail)

  15. This is just adorable! Awesome take on the sketch.

  16. Sorry about your fall. I do love the cats lined up in the basins!! You can buy them an expensive cat tower but they really prefer a box or in your case a basin!Great card! Tee
    USA thealteredpaper(at)gmail

  17. Such a sweet pretty card :-) Sorry to hear of your mishap !!! The same thing happened to me on the stairs the other day but all my cats just ignored me.... the dog went nuts though, trying to get me up !!!
    I adore the photo of your kitties in their trays hahaha Fabulous :-D

    IKE x

    My Challenge Blog
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    Cat Lovers Challenge Blog

  18. So sory to hear you have fall,hope you feel better soon...So super cute us your image and love your combo of colors and design... Thank you for joining us at Craft Your Passion challenge
    Zeljka DT xx

  19. I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon! Your card is so sweet!

    raggiodiluce82 at gmail dot com Italy

  20. Awww so adorable!! I love it!! USA drwarrenankh at hotmail dot com

  21. This is a terrific birthday card! I love the sweet kitty with the big balloon!
    Take Care!
    Michele, USA

  22. Adorable card--I like the papers. Sorry about your fall but nice to know you had cats to comfort. Love the photo of where they sleep.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com USA

  23. Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear of your fall...that can hurt so bad! So glad it wasn't one of your furbabies that caused the fall. (One time one of mine was kind of the reason for my older next-door neighbor slipping on the ice and breaking his ankle!! I felt terrible!! He said it was his own fault for reaching down to pet her on the ice and then slipping....but I still felt really bad!) Hope you heal up very, very soon!!
    Your card is adorable! I love the rosy cheeks and nose you put on his little face. Just the sweetest card!
    Thanks so much for participating in the 2016 Cat Lovers Hop!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  24. Sorry to hear about your fall. I'm so clumsy and I never hear the end of it when I fall over. My cats have always comforted me too.

  25. Such a sweet little card. Hope you're feeling better soon. I embarrassingly missed a few steps on our staircase last week, also, and ended up with a case of whiplash and some very bruised knees and hips. No cats to lick my tears, but my boys did immediately run to the freezer to bring me the Hello Kitty ice packs! :)
