Saturday, December 31, 2016


With the holidays, I just feel so blessed.  I have been fortunate to have had my Father help me with some remodeling and it has forced me to do some cleaning and I have more to do.  I have realized that I have WAY to many craft supplies and I found that I even have duplicates.  It was my husband who talked me into starting my blog, and he has since passed away.  He was always amazed at how many views I would get on my cards and the wonderful comments.  He was accustomed to doing camera reviews and people would be critical and even nasty to each other.  I feel so fortunate to have met and even made friends with people in other states and countries by the common thread of card making.  So to those people who are my friends and those of you who are my followers, I would like to extend a gift that I would like to send out after the holidays and in the new year.  So if you are interested just please leave a comment below.  Please just make sure that you are a follower and I will choose a name on January 1, 2017.  You have until midnight of December 31, 2016 CST.  And again thanks for all your support and love, it is greatly appreciated.  I make cards to escape the stress of life so I enjoy the people that I meet and share that with.  I have a picture of just a few of the items, but I will be adding to the bundle through the month.
Happy Holidays!


  1. How generous of you Lisa Lynn! I too need to clean out my stash. I'm not sure of duplicates but I'm sure I have stuff that could go to a better home. LOL! I've enjoyed getting to know you through the design team and hope that continues. Love your work and so blessed to call so many card makers, including you, a friend. Happy Holidays my friend!

  2. OMGoodness, Lisa Lynn! I would be thrilled to give your goodies a new home! Thank you so much for the generous giveaway! I enjoyed reading about the beginnings of your blog - crafting definitely helps me get my mind off my troubles and I've "met" so many wonderful and talented crafters - like yourself - through this fun hobby and blogging! Wishing you all the best over the holidays - the time is flying so fast!

  3. How generous of you to share your duplicates! I love seeing your creations and reading about everyday life! It is awesome how we make friends with people from all over the country and world, for that matter, thru our card making!

    Happy Holidays!

  4. WOW!!..what a generous and fabulous giveaway craft space would love to give these goodies a new home..thank you so much for the chance..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  5. Wow! This is a great giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win. Edwina Brown

  6. How kind of you. I know how it is with buying dups. I do the same thing then pass my dup on. I think of it as pay it forward.

  7. Lisa Lynn - I am so sorry to read about the loss of your husband - I know that has to be difficult to lose the one you love so much--- my sister loss her husband a few years ago and it was a shock to all of us - she has never been the same - thanks for sharing your story and so happy that your dad has helped you out! Blessings and Merry Christmas!

  8. Hi Lisa Lyn, lovely generous offer...I am grateful to you and adding this to my side bar.xx

  9. Hi Lisa Lynn... I was saddened by the loss of your husband... I can't imagine how great that loss is to you but I hope you have friends & family that help you through any sad & bad times X
    Thank you so much for this generous gift you are offering us all... I would be most humbled & delighted if I am lucky enough to be the winner... thank you for your generosity.... good luck to all :) xXx

  10. Thanks for your generous giveaway. You have beautiful works love to look at them and be inspired.

  11. Hi Lisa, thank you for your lovely visit to my blog, the images are available from

    Sorry to hear of your loss, glad crafting helps you, so generous of you to share some candy, hugs Liz xx

  12. Thank you so much for your visit to my blog and kind comment! This is a very generous giveaway. You know, I am always shocked at the criticism on the internet and it is a blessing that that doesn't exist as much in stamping and cardmaking. I am sorry that you saw that so much with your late husband's camera reviews. Hope you have a blessed holiday season.

  13. you are very kind.
    you are lucky to have many craft supplies .
    I don't have much because in Croatia is very hard to get some crafty supplies.
    I'm so sorry that your husband is passed away.
    I'm also very lucky to have all my blog friends because in real life I have only one friend.
    thank you for chance.

  14. vos idees sont magnifiques vous avez la chance d avoir du materiel et vous realisez des splendeurs je vous souhaite du courage et de bonnes fetes de fin d annee amities

  15. Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog, Lisa Lynn! It is a blessing to be a part of such a great online stamping community. I am a follower (officially) although I've followed your work for some time. Thanks for a chance to winning such a generous giveaway!

  16. Hello Lisa, thank you for this wonderful giveaway!
    Big hugs, Ileanaxx

  17. Wonderful giveaway Lisa Lynn. Wishing you a Wonderful New Year and sending big hugs. Pat K x
