Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New Year Resolutions

I didn't make a new list since I made a lengthy list last year, that I am still working on and still haven't given up hope on. Some of these items are need to occur in a certain order.  I have been doing thing to try to take care of myself.  One thing that I do is to get massages on a regular basis because I have issues with my joints since I have been diabetes for 37 years.  There is a challenge at Art Impression for New Year Resolution and I made a card using this stamp for my massage therapist.
My card resolution on this card is NO SENTIMENT - which is unheard of for me since I am on a DT for a Digi company that has daily sentiments.  So this was hard to leave all the sentiments for the inside of the card.

Patterned Paper:  Recollection
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Core-dination; Recollection
Stamp:  Art Impression - Pamper Yourself
Ink:  Memento - Tuxedo Black
Spellbinder:  Romantic Rectangles
Flowers:  Prima
Ribbon:  Really Reasonable Ribbon
Brads: Paper Studio
Pearls:  Recollection

Art Impressions - Ch. 199 Card Resolutions (No sentiment on the outside of the card)
Crafting from the Heart - Ch. 142 Anything Goes
Glitter 'n Sparkle - Ch. 221 Anything Goes
Crafty Catz - Add Ribbon
CRAFT - Ch. 397 Recipe (1 image,  2DP, 3 flowers)


  1. Great card and a good reminder to have your massages.{aNNie}

  2. What a great way to give yourself a remainder to take care of yourself. Thanks so much for playing along with our recipe challenge at CRAFT this week!

  3. Fabulous card Lisa! I'm sure your massage therapist will love it! Awesome coloring and I love the crown paper!


  4. Gorgeous colors and I love the layout Lisa Lynn. Art Impression stamps are always so fun. Great card! I like that new year's resolution.

  5. Great card, what a fun image.
    Thanks for joining us over at CRAFT for our Recipe Challenge.
    Jean xx

  6. Fabulous make so pleased you joined us this week at Crafty Catz. Good luck in the draw and hope you eill join us again for our new challenge starting Friday.
