Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Rings in the New Year - Another Follower Give Away

I had a follower give away that I did for the first of the New Year because I feel so blessed to have wonderful people who leave such regular comments on my blog about my cards and projects.  As I shared before, I had my husband die from cancer three years ago and he was a wonderful man to me and my children.  I have been lucky enough to find another man that is very different, but is very unique.  We have been together for the past two and half years.  To me it is amazing to find such love twice in a lifetime with such incredible men.  Jeff and I just exchanged Eternity Bands so that is why I say "Ring in the New Year".  At some point, not now, we look to move together so I will need to down size my craft supplies because I have more than I could ever use.  I love to shop and it's a bad habit which I am trying to break. For a fun job I also worked part-time at a Scrapbook Store some time ago when they still had stores.

So, what it is......if you are interested.....leave a comment that you are interested and I will pick a random winner after Midnight Central Time on Valentines Day Februay 14, 2017.
Any questions please see previous winner.....http://chrissyscardland.blogspot.com/2017/01/lucky-winner.html
This will be for my LOYAL followers please, I am not looking for people to join as a follower and then unjoin as soon as the date ends.


  1. I'm not commenting to win another candy Lisa Lynn..I'm commenting to say what lovely photos and so glad you have found your second happiness..congratulations..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. How generous of you Lisa! I'm SO happy you have found happiness again...congrats on the Eternity bands!


  3. I'm so happy for you Lisa Lynn. Congrats on finding happiness again. Pat K x

  4. Im very glad that you are happy again.
    it is nice to have someone who loves you and who you love.
    lovely photos.
    wish you all happienes of the world.
    you deserve it!
    congrats on the Eternity bands!
    you are very kind to ofer candy for your followers.

    lots of hugs and love
    hugs, Ŧĭƙĭ

  5. I would love the die so much. Great items you are giving away. I think your ring is so beautiful. Yes, you are very lucky to have found a second special person. My husband died in 1999. I have not found anyone that I feel is truly special. I hope you will have many years of happiness together. Edwina Brown

  6. Beautiful exchange of rings, brings happiness and love to a greater level... A good man is hard to find and I too am blessed with a most caring person. We have been through a lot too before we married. I can see the shine in your faces and it's a love to last...congratulations..

    1. Thanks for the chance to win and congrats to Chrissy on the last win.x{aNNie}

  7. oh, I am so happy for you - congratulations! I had an eternity ring (I love this rings, they are sooo perfect) as my wedding ring but I lost it on holidays so right now I am wearing my engagement ring instead.
    thank you for offering great candy, I would love to win :).
    big hug xx

  8. Lisa Lynn, congrats on the exchange of your forever rings. What better way to "ring" in the New Year. You are a lucky lady indeed to find two wonderful men in a lifetime. They are also very lucky to have you as their special person in their life. I checked out the stash that Chrissy won. OMG! I thought I had a lot of stuff but you must have tons more than me. Chrissy is very lucky! I collect dies and sentiment stamps. That seems to be my big thing right now. I can just drool over sentiments. LOL! Here's hoping for many more years of togetherness for you and Jeff! Big hugs to you.

  9. Lovely post Lisa Lynn and I wish you both a very happy future together - Michelle x

  10. OH this warms my heart so much, Lisa Lynn! You've had your share of heartache after losing your DH, but you are truly lucky in love to find another good man, and it's so well deserved! Huge congratulations to you, my friend! Your ring is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Would love to take these yummies home and play with them! Wishing you many more years of happiness!

  11. How sweet- congrats for a beautiful ring, and finding love for the 2nd time. That is a great New Year for you both! I will pas on the goodies, I have a few to get rid of myself....

  12. I'm so happy you have been able to find love again. I'm sure that is a blessing. Thanks for always stopping by my blog with loving!
