Monday, January 23, 2017

Sending you piles of smiles

It is such a gloomy day here today that it was fun to make a bright card.  I used this adorable stamp from Art Impressions Duck Stackers.  I think it just a smile without really trying.  Then I had to make a pile of flowers.

Patterned Paper:  K & I; Recollections
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollections
Stamp & sentiment:  Art Impressions (see above for direct link)
Ink:  Distress - Mermaid Lagoon
Flowers:  Prima
Brads:  Making Memories
Dies:  Art Impression Slider Die; Die-Namices - Tab

Art Impressions - Ch. 200 Spring Fling
CHNC Patterned - January
A Gem of a Challenge - Ch. 186 Hearts and/or flowers
Word Art Wednesday  Ch. 266-267 Anything Goes
QKR - Ch. 227 One for the Kids
Creative Corner - Very funny
Creative Craft Cottage - Ch. 80 Must have flowers


  1. This is too cute! Love this image of the ducks. That sentiment is perfect for it. Edwina Brown

  2. Such a fun and bright card Lisa! Love the stack of ducks and fabulous flowers! Perfect sentiment too!


  3. This is adorable, Lisa Lynn! So funny... I have the same AI image on my desk for the current challenge. :)

  4. Such a happy, cheerful card! Makes me smile just looking at it! Cute image & great papers! Thanks for joining our weekly challenge at QKR Stampede!

  5. This stamp is on my wish list, you colored it so cheerfully!

  6. How cute - a perfect image for a smile! Thanks for joining us at the QKR Stampede challenge this week.
    Dorothy S, DT member.

  7. Such a bright and cute card, Lisa! Can't help but smile when I look at it! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us at Art Impressions!

  8. Oooh, another cutie-patootie! These ducks definitely made me smile!

  9. Love how bright and colorful this card is! Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage. Cindy (DT)

  10. Such a bright and fun card. We are so blessed for your participation in our last Challenge and would love for you to join us again in our current Challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Leaving you with this Scripture inspiration from Colossians 2:6-7 which tells us, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Have a blessed week.

    JO ANN

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