Friday, June 23, 2017

to my Brother

I have one brother, who on Saturday will be turning 46 years old.  He is a great Father to my two nephews and a hard-working man.  Unfortunately, he is going through a difficult time right now by going through a divorce with some complications and I feel so badly for him because he is really a nice guy who doesn't need the drama.  I have gone through a divorce previously and so I do feel his pain, and know that he has the support of the entire family behind him.  He enjoys hunting with my Father so I made this masculine card for him using a stamp from Raisin Boat and the sentiment is from TLC, Create.

Patterned Paper:  Crate
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  Raisin Boat - It's a Guy Thing Again
Ink:  Distress - Tim Holtz - Black Soot
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - To my Brother
Bling:  Recollection

Atlantic Heart - Sketch 217
Creative Knockouts - Ch. 199 For the Boys
Glitter 'n Sparkle - Ch. 244 Father's Day/Masculine
Allsorts - Ch. 420 Birthday Boy
Crafty Sentiments - Add a sentiment
Word Art Wednesday - Ch. 288 - 289 Anything Goes


  1. You did a great card with a hard sketch! Fun masculine card- I hope it will cheer him up a bit!

  2. Fabulous masculine card Lisa Lynn...I'm sure your brother will love it! Gorgeous papers and great take on the sketch! Have a great weekend!


  3. Lisa Lynn - such a great Masculine card - I am so loving those papers used! Blessings

  4. Fabulous masculine card for your Brother Lisa Lynn and it is great that he has such a wonderful sister for support..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  5. He will love your card Lisa Lynn as it is really fab. I do hope he gets through everything OK - Michelle x

  6. This is so cute! Thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week! Anna

  7. oooh, great masculine all the combination of design papers. Thanks for joining us at AHSC this week.

  8. Great card! Love the design! Thanks for joining us at Glitter N Sparkle!

  9. Love the card for your brother I am sure he will love it too and maybe cheer him up.
    Today was the first day for weeks that it had not rained, so with shorts and t-shirt on out into the garden I went. Now the cool night air is settling in. Hope you get to enjoy days with out the jolly rain...Have a lovely weekend.♥

  10. I bet your brother loves this card! Great job, Lisa! Thanks for joining us this week at Crafty Sentiments Designs. Julie, DT member

  11. Fabulous masculine card! Thanks for playing along with us at AHSC challenge blog!
    :) Marie

  12. Love this! Awesome man card.. love the patterns and love the antlers... very cool. Thank you for playing along with Atlantic Hearts this week!

  13. Great masculine card Lisa! Thanks for playing along at AHSC!

  14. love this masculine card! thanks for sharing with us at AHSC!


  15. Very nice card for your brother. Your love shines through for him. So glad your joined our sketch at AHSC. Wishing you both all the best!!

  16. What a fabulous masculine card! Love the warm browns and the cute antler image. Thanks for sharing with us this week at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.

  17. Great masculine papers you used on this. The texture from the twine and the shine from the gems are great finishing touches.

    Thank you for joining us at Creative Knockouts for our For the Boys challenge.

  18. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!
