Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

I am visiting my son so I traveled from Wisconsin 16 hours to South Carolina.  So I want to wish all my blog friends in the US Happy Thanksgiving and those not in the US I'm still thankful for all the support and friendship that I get here on my site throughout the year.  My husband encouraged me to start this site for stress relief and to display my creations back in 2010 and over these years I have met many wonderful people and made lots of connections.  With all that has happened in this world, I feel so blessed to have friends in many different parts of this world and walks of life.  It is still nice to know that there are places where hugs, kind words and small gifts are appreciated.  So if you are having a special meal or just happy to have food today - may it be with people you love.

Hopefully I will have some pictures to share later and will be around to comment on your cards/projects when I have internet access.
                                     Happy thanksgiving and thankful blessings to all,


  1. Enjoy the time with your son!! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Bless you Lisa Lynn..Happy thanksgiving to you and your family..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Hallo liebe Lisa Lynn,
    während ich bei meinen Enkelkindern war sind bei dir wieder so viele wunderschöne Karten entstanden. Ich bin begeistert von deinen Werken. Immer wieder etwas ganz besonderes. Hugs Silvi

  4. Happy late Thanksgiving, Lisa Lynn! I have enjoyed our blog friendship and appreciate your sweet comments on mine!

    Hugs to you my friend!


  5. Great gift card. We don't celebrate the Thanksgiving here but wishing you a belated happy one.xx [aNNie]🎄
