Saturday, December 16, 2017

Prize give away for one of my followers

I feel so lucky to have such wonderful followers and I truly appreciate the support and comments.  I have made a lot of great friends who have been there all these years for me and I GREATLY appreciate it.  I have been a Guest Design Team member for Bugaboo so I have had access to the stamps because of the number of cards that I have had made.  I was fortunate to win, a $12 Bugaboo gift card that I would like to giveaway to one of my lucky followers since I would like to share the love during the holiday season.  So please leave a comment by midnight central time on Friday December 15th and I will get sending this to the lucky winner.  Sorry there isn't much time, but I don't want this to expire and want you to have it before the holidays.  Thanks again for all the love and I want to share.


  1. Hello, Lisa Lynn! Thank you for letting me know about your giveaway! I wouuld LOVE to win! Big Bugaboo fan here! They have so many cute images! This is very generous of you - thank you so much! Happy Holidays to you!

  2. Thank you for this chance to win a fabulous prize Lisa Lynn - so kind of you! I agree with you, I have made so many wonderful friends on here and even though I can't come on as much as I'd like to, it is lovely to see you and everyone else are still here when I do! Hugs - Michelle x

  3. Thanks for the chance, think you know how much I love these images, seemed to spend quiet a lot during the week long challenge, was worth it though...thanks...[aNNie]🎄

  4. Hallo liebe Lisa Lynn,
    ich bin immer wieder begeistert von deinen wundervollen Werken. Auch wenn ich es nicht schaffe alle zu kommentieren so schreibe ich so oft es geht ein Sammellob für deine wundervollen Arbeiten. Vielen Dank für die Möglichkeit die tollen Bugaboo Digis zu gewinnen. Ich mag die Digis sehr. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen 2. Advent. Ganz liebe Grüße Hugs Silvi

  5. That is so sweet of you to give your gift card away! I absolutely love Bugaboo and have enjoyed seeing your creations with their awesome images!

    Thanks again!

  6. Awww, how kind of you to give away your gift card! I love Bugaboo and I would love to win.


  7. I love Bugaboo digis. I think it is terrific that you are sharing your gift. You are such a sweet Person. Edwina Brown

  8. Whoot WHoot - who would not want to win this lovely prize? I am NOT on the Naughty list [well I think I am on the maybe naughty list]... so please add me to that drawing of winning this lovely Bugaboo prize - love me a Snowman bugaboo or two or elves or Santa, or..... thanks for the giveaway Lisa Lynn Merry CHRISTmas to you and to the blessed winner too!

  9. oh you are so kind!
    hope Im not late for this awesome giveaway!
    happy holidays!🎄🎅⛄
    hugs , Fiki
