Monday, January 15, 2018

Birthday dog gift bag

Today is day 3 of the Bugaboo 8th Birthday Bash and today the challenge is to make something that is not a card that you would use for a birthday party.  If you follow me, you know about Gus, my daughter's Teddy Bear pup, which will have a birthday coming up so this is a gift bag for him.  He is sooooo spoiled. When I went to pick up some items to give him for Christmas, the lady at the store, asked me how many dogs I had, hehehe...only one very spoiled grandpup with a wardrobe larger than some men I know, no lie.
For my bag, I used one of the images from the Birthday Puppies Set.  I didn't add additional items on the bag because I was afraid Gus would chew them off.

Bag:  MPR Associates, Inc
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Birthday Puppies Set
Sakura jelly glitter pen

Not just cards - Anything Goes
Allsorts - No patterned paper
Dragonfly Dreams - Anything Goes


  1. What an adorable treat bag for Gus!! I love the sweet image!! He is one lucky pup!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. So cute and how fun to make the treat bag for Gus! Cute photos!

  3. Love that you added fun to the gift bag! Darling image. Thanks for joining us at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies

  4. Love the cute image on the gift/treat bag
    carol x

  5. Such a cute gift bag- and I love the idea of a B-day for a pup!

  6. Love the Bugaboo image on the gift bag and know that cute precious little fur grand baby will love what ever is in it. I know my two fur babies are so spoiled.

  7. Lovely gift bag.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts 'No Patterned Papers' challenge and good luck x Susan x

  8. What fun, love the idea of a specially made bag for the dog, he looks a fabby dog too.

  9. Cute bag! Thank you for joining us at Dragonfly Dreams. Cindy (DT)

  10. Oh how adorable Lisa, love the treat bag and the pictures!
    Hugs, Sherry x
    Loose Stitches and Unraveled Threads
