Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Thanks for all your love and support in 2017 and I was fortunate to have so many blog friends and frequent visitors.  In 2017 my goal was to make 1 card a day, but I was able to post 380 cards which was 142 more than 2016 so I am happy with that.  
I can't wait to see what my friends make and have for inspiration and wonderful samples.  Have a safe and healthy 2018.  
I am lucky to share that I am a full design team member with Bugaboo starting in January.


  1. Happy New Year Lisa Lynn!
    Wow, you have made such a great number of cards!
    Congrats on your new DT glad we will be 'colleagues' at Bugaboo!
    xxx Margreet

  2. Happy New Year Lisa..and congratulations on your new DT position..good on you..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Happy New Year, Lisa! Looking forward to working with you on the Bugaboo team this year.

  4. I'm so happy to be visiting after a small blog break for the holidays!! I've scrolled through to see the amazing projects I've missed while I was gone and they are all fabulous, especially the Gus card (and pictures!!) I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you a healthy and happy 2018!! Congrats on the Bugaboo DT!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Dear Lisa Lynn,
    I wish you a happy new year. I love your creativity. Hugs Silvi

  6. Happy New Year Lisa! Wow, that is ALOT of cards!!! Congrats on the Bugaboo DT- how fun is that!!!

  7. Happy New Year Lisa Lynn! Yay for making your blogpost goal! Congratulations on the DT post! You are a great addition to their team! Looking forward to seeing your Bugaboo creations!


  8. Best wishes for the New Year and thank you for all the comments on my blog throughout the year--just had a quick look through the beautiful cards I missed whilst out of action
    Carol x

  9. ooops forgot to say congrats on your new DT too
    Carol x

  10. Wishing you the happiest of years Lisa, what wonderful news about your new DT. Well deserved Congratulations.

  11. Happy New Year Lisa Lynn! I hope 2018 is good to you in every way. Edwina Brown

  12. Happy New Year my friend! Congratulations on the new DT!
    Big Hugs, Sherry xx
    Loose Stitches and Unraveled Threads
