Monday, April 23, 2018

Floral Treat Box

It's Monday so at Catch the Bug it's Anything but a Card.  So for my creation, I made a Floral Treat Box.  It is using the new images from Bugaboo the Flower Garden Set.  I put three small hand gels inside that would be a perfect gift.

Patterned Paper:  American Crafts
Cardstock:  Bazzil
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Flower Garden Set (see above for direct link)

Dragonfly Journeys - Ch. 116 April Showers bring May Flowers
Southern Girls - Fairies, Fantasy and/or Flowers
Dragonfly Dreams - April Pink
Love to Scrap - Ch. 108 April Showers bring May Flowers


  1. Lovely gift box, Lisa. Love how the flowers match the DP!
    xxx Margreet

  2. This is so fun!! I love the design and the pretty papers!! Gorgeous!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Oh my gosh!! I love this idea! This would be great a great way to load with nail polish and give to my nieces. I am TOTALLY stealing this one!

  4. Hi Lisa Lynn! What a great little gift to give someone and a great way to use those flowers. Thanks so much for joining my April Showers bring May Flowers blog challenge and Good Luck :)

    Jeannie T.
    Dragonfly Journeys

  5. Such a cute little gift box Lisa and such a great idea..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  6. Fabulous gift box Lisa! Your papers are perfect with the flower images!


  7. Now this is cute, cute, cute! Those 'anything but a card' themes always make me break out into a sweat but you aced this one. It's a fab little box for the hand gels. Love those big, bold flowers.

  8. A fabulous project! Love it!

  9. Great little treat box and love the idea of putting hand gel inside after gardening.
    Carol x
