Thursday, May 24, 2018


I have been wanting to do at least 2 Christmas cards per month, but I haven't been able to keep up since I started working.  I used an image from Bugaboo called Christmas word Jesus.  I used some gold bling stars and gold ribbon.

Cardstock:  Bazzil; Recollection
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Christmas word Jesus (see above for direct link)
Ribbon:  Michael's
Bling:  Mark Richards
Banner:  Verve

Sketch Saturday - Ch. 514
Fab 'n Funky - Ch. 395 Christmas
CHNC - Ch. 386 Anything Goes with optional candy canes
Word Art Wednesday - Ch. 336 - 337 Anything Goes
Cute Card Thursday - Ch. 531 Little Boy Blue


  1. Love your little Jesus card!
    xxx Margreet

  2. This is so beautiful!! I love the sweet image!! What a gorgeous card!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Love it -sweet little Christmas card -I haven't even started yet!!!
    Carol x

  4. That's a really cute stamp! Well done for getting another Christmas card made for the stash - life does sometimes get in the way of our good intentions, each one made takes you closer to being ready! Thanks for joining us at the 52CCT.

  5. Very cute card Lisa..I know where you are coming from as I too have to work full time and it starts to get pretty hard when you get tired at the end of the day.. I'm just lucky that my work day is divided into morning and night so I get to play in the afternoon..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  6. Cute card! Don't feel bad - I haven't been keeping up with my goal of 2 a month either! I'll be lucky if I get one made this month!

  7. I do find work gets in the way of a lot of things. You have a cute, fun card for your collection though and there is still plenty of time. Thanks for joining in at 52CCT

  8. Sweet card Lisa Lynn. You're halfway there for this month with this one. Thank you for joining in our Anything Goes Challenge with an optional twist of candy canes at CHNC.

  9. A really lovely Christmas card Lisa Lynn. A great take on the sketch too - Michelle x

  10. Such a sweet image and a perfect card. Thanks for sharing on The Merry Christmas challenge.

  11. This is beautiful, Lisa - and AMEN! He is the reason for the season! Such lovely coloring ♥
