Sunday, July 22, 2018

Christmas is July - Have a Beary Merry Christmas

Today is the second day of the Christmas in July at Catch the Bug 7th Annual party.  Today there is a special sketch if you want to play along for the week of challenges and special prizes.  So sorry that I am so late posting this today...I am recovering from my 50th Birthday Party that my family and friends had for me yesterday.  Now, I don't drink because of being a diabetic since the age of 11, but I have been fighting a sinus infection so that has just knocked me on my butt.  We went to our local zoo which is small, but wonderful and free.  Then had dinner with my family and friends.  Then a couple of friends and myself went to see the Momma Mia movie.
For my card, I used an image from a great set, Mini set - winter bears.  I put a pom on the hat. Also used Sakura jelly glitter pen and Sakura jelly white pen.  Also if you need images, Bugaboo has the Christmas stamps 50% off the rest of the month.

Patterned Paper:  Sweet Shoppe
Cardstock:  Bazzil
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Mini set - Winter Bears (see above for direct link)
Pom - Creativity
Sakura jelly glitter pen
Sakura jelly white pen
Pebbles twine

CHNC - Ch. 395 Anything Christmas with optional use some red
Word Art Wednesday - Ch. 344 - 345 Anything Goes
Dragonfly Journeys - Ch. 123 Christmas in July
International Art & Soul - Ch. 38 Christmas Traditions
Sasayaki Glitter - July Christmas


  1. Very cute bear, wish I could have entered these but DT work took up my posts.x

  2. So cute and lovely Lisa Lynn - great job with the sketch too - Michelle x

  3. This is a little cutie the sketch too..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  4. The bear image is so cute and the I love the glitter pom ball added to the hat. Happy birthday!!! Sounds like you had a good day despite the sinus infection. Hopefully you feel better today.

  5. Your bear is absolutely ADORABLE! I love how you colored him. Great card
    (Happy soon to be Birthday btw!) Your party looked super fun!)

  6. Such an adorable card Lisa, love it!
    Crafty Hugs, Sherry xx
    Loose Stitches and Unraveled Threads

  7. Super cute little bear and awesome job on the sketch! I'm hoping to use this sketch today. My mojo took a nosedive this week and it's killing me that I didn't get more cards made for the Bugaboo challenge. Hope I can get my act together and make something today! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  8. Hi Lisa Lynn! Love this cute little bear and the papers you used. The wrapped twine really adds a great touch. Thanks so much for joining my Christmas in July blog challenge and good luck :)

    Jeannie T.
    Dragonfly Journeys

  9. What a super adorable card. That little bear image is so cute perfect for Christmas.
    Thanks for joining us at International Art & Soul.
    Debbie DT

  10. Cute little card, but the pompom puts it over the top. Thank you for joining us at Crafty Hazel Nut's Christmas Card Weekly Challenge - Myrna DT
