Monday, October 29, 2018

Sorry about your Boo Boo

I have an uncle who had to have surgery so I made this card for him and he should receive it as he returns home from the hospital.  The image and sentiment is from Mo Manning called Boo Boo. I have a bunch of Mo's images and just had to color one up for this.
I haven't told anything personal in quite sometime so I am going to just vent for a second....I have a lot with lots of trees so hence lots of leaves.  All weekend long I have been trying to get outside and deal with my yard which I'm sure my neighbors are not happy with since working full time I have not done during the week. On Saturday after being out for 30 minutes it started to rain and then Sunday I was out for 45 minutes.  Today I rushed home and in the dark I had 30 minutes to have just a small pile before it started to rain, really.  These leaves are wet and I have mushrooms growing underneath.  Luckily I went to my Allergy appointment to find out that I don't have allergies just chronic sinusitis with a wonderful sinus infection since June so we are trying another antibiotic.  OK, thanks, at least I typed out my story and beat on my keys, lol.

Patterned Paper:  Recollection
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Core-dination; Recollection
Stamp:  Mo Manning - Boo Boo
Ink:  Memento - Real Red
Embossing Folder:  Cuttlebug
Die:  Taylored Expressions
Spellbinder:  Large Petite Oval

Double D - Stripes and Dots (see mood board above)
Word Art Wednesday - Ch. 358 - 359 Anything Goes
Crafting from the Heart - Ch. 226 Anything Goes
Creative Knockouts - Ch. 269 Embossing Delight
Aud Sentiment - Ch. 215 Use a funny sentiment


  1. This is adorable, Lisa. I'm sure your uncle will appreciate the sentiment. Sorry to hear about your sinusitis! I feel your pain... I've been fighting something most of the year as well. Hope the new antibiotic helps!

  2. Oh Lisa, your neighbors are understanding hopefully! A sweet card for your Uncle! Very sweet image! Hope your sinus' clear up soon!

  3. Super gemacht. Gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Dankeschön für die Teilnahme bei den Sketch-Tanten.
    LG Dreja

  4. Great card to welcome home your uncle. Love your coloring.
    Sorry to hear about your sinusitis. Hopefully the new antibiotic will help.
    Your neighbours should understand that you're a working woman. When they are extremely annoyed about the leaves, they must take them away
    xxx Margreet

  5. OMG what a cute image! Great job! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Double D ‘Stripes & Dots’ challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    DOUBLE D Challenge Blog
    DAR’S CRAFTY CREATIONS Please stop in for a visit!

  6. This is so adorable!! That is the sweetest image and I love the sentiment, too!! Your uncle will adore it!! Sorry about your sinusitis. I did have allergies really bad when I was young and had to get a shot every week. They only problem I have anymore is watery eyes, but other than that, the allergies are gone. Good luck with the leaves!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Fabulous image not seen that one before -I am sure your neighbours are understanding-if not they should be or offer to give you a hand!Sorry to hear about your sinus infection and hope you feel better soon--anytime you need to rant I am just a keyboard away-easy to rant without being face to face-take care
    Carol x

  8. What an adorable card ! Adore your digi! Did your neighbours notice we are in the fall season? Don't worry about the leaves too much. That is nature going its way. Don't overdo yourself either ! You are a working lady, struggling with a sinusitis. Take care of your self first and the rest will follow! Hugs, Gina

  9. This is so very cute Lisa..and go dance on those leaves..crunch them and play in them..dont worry too much, if people dont like them, tell them to go rake them..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  10. Such a gorgeous card.
    Thanks for playing with us at Creative Knockouts.
    Good luck!! Michelle (DT)

  11. Your card is adorable. I love the cute image and you have colored it wonderfully.

  12. I love Mo Manning and he's adorable! I love your bandaid too, lol! I hope this new antibiotic helps you!

  13. This is SO adorable - even for the reason of surgery and hopefully he is doing well. Get well soon! I too have frequent sinus infections and have to resort to prednisone and antibiotics for weeks on end, so don't give up. And don't worry about the leaves ;)

  14. OMGoodness, this is adorable, Lisa Lynn! Love how you added the bandaid, so cute! Hope your uncle is doing okay. Hope your sinus infection is getting better as well! Love this sweet card!
