Thursday, February 14, 2019

Screw Valentine's Day

So sorry this is a day late on posting, something happened on my auto post.  This was meant to go for the Humor Me at Catch the Bug and it did post on their site. This card is using the image Frame It - Stella Valentines Day.  And how appropriate with Stella to have some falling black hearts.
Seriously hope that you get all the love that you deserve and if you crave sweets then some goodies or flowers or whatever makes you content. My naughty cats got their Valentines gift early because they found the catnip mice and were carrying them around on the cardboard ....which was pathetic so I gave them early.

Patterned Paper:  Recollections
Cardstock:  Paper Studio; Recollections
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Frame It - Stella Valentines Day
Ribbon:  Michael's
Spellbinder:  Heart Square
Sakura jelly glitter pen
Spectrum Noir Gold pen

Crafty Gals Corner - Ch. 185 Love is in the Air (Add a Heart)
Tuesday Throwdown - Ch. 425 Falling Hearts
Sweet Stampin' - Valentines
Creative Craft Cottage - Ch. 115 Valentines
Aud Sentiment - Ch. 220 Love or Valentine Sentiment
Creatalicious - Ch. 156 Anything Goes with optional Love/Hearts
The Sketchy Challenge - Ch. 150 Love / Valentine's Day
DL Art - February Linky


  1. hahaha love this what a classic sentiment and card...

  2. Love this Stella image with that hilarious sentiment!
    xxx Margreet

  3. Fabulous design with a really great image and sentiment, this made me laugh Lisa...guess there's a lot of Stella in me!!! The thought of your cats carrying their still packaged mice around is hilarious, glad you let them have
    them early!!!

  4. Haha - this made me laugh out loud!! What a fun card and image!! And too cute about your cats carrying their gifts around in the cardboard!! Happy Valentine's Day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. So pleased to see your brilliant card pop up at Sweet Stampin' this week, thanks for playing along!

  6. Fabulous image and fully agree with the brilliant fun sentiment lol
    Carol x

  7. so fun this image, isn't it!
    lovely card, like the black heartsborder on it!

  8. Love your card :) Thank you for sharing with us at The Sketchy Challenges. Veronique

  9. It's a beautiful design !! It's great to have you with us at Aud Sentiments Challenge !! We are waiting for you on our next challenge !!
    a thousand Kisses!!
    Claudia Martins - DT

  10. Oh Stella, she is such a classic!! What a great card and colored so beautifully! Love all the heart elements included on your card! Thanks very much for joining our Falling Hearts challenge at Tuesday Throwdown!
