Friday, June 14, 2019

Oh say can you see...?

So sorry I am so far behind this week.  I share a job with a co-worker and she is off this week so I have to do the work by myself so I am overwhelmed.  I have been working long hours to keep up, then add that I am switching off this antibiotic sinus rinse to now a 21 day oral antibiotic regimen....and I am already exhausted. So if I don't get to your blog to visit this week please forgive me since I am having to make it to birthday, graduation and Father's Day parties. Some days just don't have enough hours in them, lol. Or my geenie, elf, fairy, or whoever is willing to help I don't discriminate has not arrived yet.
For this card, I used an Oldie Stella Calendar July USA.  On the right side I added a strip of red washi tape.
Enjoy your Friday and upcoming weekend.

Patterned Paper:  Sweet Shoppe - This is Life
Cardstock:  Recollections
Stamp: Bugaboo - Stella Calendar July USA (see above for direct link)
Flower:  Wild Orchid Crafts
Washi Tape:  Recollections

Creative Knockouts - Ch. 302 Washi Wonders
Crafting from the Heart - Ch. 245 Anything Goes
Alphabet Challenge - F for Flowers
Aud Sentiments - Ch. 229 Anything Goes & Sentiment


  1. Love your Stella card. Good luck with playing as a busy bee (don't envy you).
    xxx Margreet

  2. beautiful card love the fun Stella image and floral papers, thank you for joining in at the Alphabet Challenge

  3. Fab card Lisa, always enjoy a Stella card!
    Phew, sounds as if you're leading a very busy life just now, hope things settle down for you soon.

  4. Fabulous fun image and sentiment-unfortunaltely one I can relate too!Hope you feel better soon and get some much needed help soon too
    Carol x

  5. Fun and cute card! Thanks for joining the Aud Sentiments Challenge!

  6. So cute! Stella always brings a big smile to everyone, doesn't she? Love your pretty background papers. Thank you for playing with us at the Alphabet Challenge and hope you join us again.

  7. Stella is so much fun as well as this card. Thanks for sharing at Creative Knockout Challenge. I wish you the best of luck.
    Happy Crafting.
