Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I'm so far behind I can see my own @#!

Today at Catch the Bug it's New Release and it's Mildred So far behind.  Now this is how I feel ALL the TIME, lol.  Oh well, what do I expect when I work full time, have a house with lazy cats that don't clean it and still need to do all my crafting.  There just aren't enough hours in a day.

Patterned Paper:  American Crafts
Cardstock:  Bazzil; Core-dinations; Recollections
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Mildred So far behind
Spellbinders:  Small and Large Petite Ovals; Small and Large Circles
Ribbon:  Michael's
Pearls: Recollections

CHNC Patterned - October
QKR - Ch. 366 Anything Goes
Crafty Catz - Ch. 477 Anything Goes with optional Ribbon, bow, flower
Allsorts - Wk 540 Ribbons
Cute Card Thursday - Ch. 602 Anything Goes
Creative Knockouts - Ch. 318 Lots of layers


  1. It's a real fun card, many thanks for joining in with our 'Ribbons' theme at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  2. Fabulous and nearly naughty Lisa..lol..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Fabulous Lisa and great naughty comment---thank you for all the comments yo leave on my blog and for the latest one a great idea wish I had thought of adding a tattoo should have occured to me having a son who has his own tattoo studio!
    Carol x

  4. Ha ha ha - know how she feels! Love this card Lisa Lynn and your papers are very pretty - Michelle x

  5. Love your funny card. You have to teach your cats how to clean the house, that will save you lots of time. Joking apart: I admire how you manage it all!!
    xxx Margreet

  6. Another card to make me laugh Lisa...thanks! Great use of the sketch and lovely papers!.
    Those cats of yours are free loaders...just like my dog- she never does anything to earn her keep either, obviously she thinks just being gorgeous is enough!

  7. OMGosh, this cracked me up! Sometimes I feel the same way but I don't even work. I don't know how you do it all! Yes, our cats need to start cleaning the house - wouldn't that be nice?!! Awesome card! Great work with the sketch too!

  8. Super fun image and sentiment, great colourful papers and a lvoely layout.
    Thank you for joining our 'Ribbon' challenge at Allsorts.

    Kath x

  9. Oh, Lisa, you've really made me smile today, I am your card this week I'm Mildred I don't have enough hours in a day and feel so tired and when I go to bed I can't sleep. Love what you did with my sketch it works perfectly. Great card and thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 and good luck.

    Hugs Kathie

  10. Lisa cute card made me giggle. And I love it any time someone turns the sketch! Yay! xoxo

  11. Haha ! What a fun card ! Love the colours and love the text!! Gina

  12. Fab and fun card!
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  13. Love this image and project, Lisa Lynn. Thanks for joining the QKR Stampede challenge this week! kReN@afourthlife

  14. This card is so cute! You need to tell those cats to clean your house while you're at work !



  15. This is such a fun card Lisa and a great take on Kathies sketch. I can identify with all you say. Thank you for playing along with us at SSW2.
    Anne SSW2-DT
