Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Birthday Wishes Balloon Bear

Hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day if you choose to celebrate. I am far from Irish, but I had to wear some wild green stretch leggings that made me look like a leprechaun today, lol.
Today at Catch the Bug we had a new release of  Balloon  Bear 02. For this I kept it simple with stenciled clouds, Glossy Accents on the balloon, and sentiment from My Favoritey Things.  And it had to be green for St. Patrick's Day, hehehe.
Stay safe in this crazy time!  It's never been a better time to stay inside and craft!

Wild leggings for today, lol.

Cardstock:  Recollections
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Balloon bear 02
Sentiment:  My Favorite Things Little Birthday Notes
Ink:  Memento - Tuxedo Black
       Distress Oxide - Broken China
Stencil:  My Favorite Things
Glossy Accents

Time Out Challenge - Ch. 157 Birthday
Seize the Birthday - Ch. 185 Anything Birthday with optional topping touch of green
The Cutie Pie Challenge - Ch. 145 The Gorgeous Greens
DL Art Thankful Thursday - Ch. 255 Anything Green
Crafty Cardmakers - Ch 252 Green
Alphabet Challenge - Y for Youngsters


  1. wow those leggings are wild and I want them! Adore you made the card to match! Fab use of pattern paper. And what a cute image and the glossy accent works so well. Thanks for joining Time Out

  2. Wow, you're a wild girl with those fancy leggings! You're card is lovely, especially the balloon with the glossy accents (great idea!).
    xxx Margreet

  3. Great leggings!!! Fabulous card, love that shiny green balloon and the fluffy clouds.

  4. Cool card but super cool leggins.xx

  5. FAB leggings Lisa Lynn! Your card is so lovely and the cloud background is stunning - Michelle x

  6. Wonderful, fun Birthday card, love how you coloured the balloon and the clouds in the background.Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Cardmakers! AND yes those leggings are wild and wonderful!!
    Hugs and take care

  7. FABulous card Lisa, love the fun image and cloudy sky with great colouring, and those leggings..whoo hoo..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  8. What a sweet birthday card, and love your wonderful cloud background. Thanks so much for playing along at Time Out.

  9. Super sweet and I love those leggings!! Love H xx

  10. So very cute...love the simplicity and the balloon is awesome...tights are pretty fabulous too. xx

  11. OK, first... those leggings are *awesome* and kudos to you for having the personality to wear them!!! Second, your card is stinkin' adorable! I love the cloud background and the gloss on the balloon. Third, my new motto is Be Smart, Be Safe, Be Crafty! You take care of yourself now! Thank you for playing along at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies! Be sure to come back soon and play again 😊

  12. Love the wild leggings-great CAS card love the cute image and stencilled sky
    Carol x

  13. I really love your leggings and your card too!

    Be Safe!


  14. I can't decide which I love best your card or Leggings, lol! Love them both!

  15. Cute card ! The leggings mathc the card colours - hihi ! GinaX

  16. Brilliant card. Your little bear looks a bit worried. Hope he doesn't get blown far. Thanks for joining in with my theme at the Alphabet Challenge. Love Dawn x

  17. A cute card, love the image and those leggings are just FABULOUS.
    Faith x

  18. Fun flyin bear! Super cute card - Thanks for joining in at STB

  19. That are leggings that cheer you up by seeing and wearing!
    Your card is beautiful and sweet! Thank you for joining us at TIME OUT!

  20. Such a sweet card. Thank you for sharing with The Cutie Pies. Fab leggings too!!. Sarah DT
