Saturday, May 9, 2020

Strange Friends

Today starts a new challenge at Catch the Bug with the theme being "Ladies Night".  For my card, I used the image Make it Snappy - Friends and then a sentiment from TLC, Create. I added a pearl to the necklace, flower centers and the corner of the card. I put sequins with some bling scattered on the card. I have lots of layers with two pieces of ribbon/lace.
I have a group of friends that I have had for 30 years. We worked together in the hospital on a Medical/Oncology unit. When I say that we have been together through thick and thin that's putting it mild. I am so thankful for them since my family lives almost 2 hours away from me. So this card is perfect for any of the ladies and I will probably make a few more.  It's funny that our nights used to be wilder than they are now, but we still enjoy spending time with each other.

Patterned Paper:  Bo Bunny
Cardstock:  Core-dinations; Recollections
Stamp:  Bugaboo - Make it Snappy - Friends (see above for direct link)
Sentiment:  TLC, Create - Strange Friends
Ribbon/Lace:  Michael's
Pearls:  Jolee
Bling: Recollection
Flowers:  Prima
Border Punch:  Martha Stewart
Sequins:  Creativity
Sakura jelly glitter pen

Let's Craft & Create - Ch. 159 Anything Goes with ribbon, lace or twine
Watercooler Wednesday - Ch. 270 Anything Goes with a feminine twist
Scrapping 4 Fun - Ch. 166 Ladies
Sweet Stampin' - Funny That
Your Next Stamp - Ch. 138 Lots of Layers
613 Avenue Create - Ch. 233 Anything Goes with optional Lace and Diamonds
Dragonfly Dreams - Ribbon, Lace and/or Pearls
QKR - Ch. 397 Anything Goes
Penny's Paper Crafty - Ch. 270 Anything Goes


  1. Fabulous card Lisa, great image and fun bright papers.
    Love the photos, bet you ladies have a real laugh when you all get together- so looking forward to the time when we can socialize with our friends again!

  2. Its great card and beautiful photos!

  3. What a fun "girlfriend" card! It is so important to have girlfriends and I am so happy you've got a great support group. My friends are getting together for a weekly FaceTime Happy Hour and I can't wait until we can see each other in person. We are so pleased that you joined us this week at Watercooler Wednesday. Karen - DT

  4. Gorgeous card Lisa Lynn - love the little pearl that you have added to the necklace - lovely photos and you all look so happy together - Michelle x

  5. Great fun card and image love all the layers and sentiment---great pics of you all too
    Carol x

  6. This is such a fun card, I love it and I have just the friend that would love that sentiment too, Lovely to see your piccys too, Hazelxx

  7. Hello Lisa, I LOVE your card and what great pictures. Looks like a lot of FUN!
    Happy Mother´s Day!

  8. AW! A Beautiful card with great design and colours Lisa, a lovely sentiment and what wonderful photos of you and your long time friends. With both my hats on I will say - Thank you so much for joining us in our challenge at QKR Stampede this week. Good Luck and looking forward to see you again in our next challenge.

    Faith QKR Stampede DT

  9. Hi Lisa just popping back to say-Thank you for joining us at 613 Avenue Create
    Carol DT x

  10. Great happy photos of the girls Lisa and a gorgeous fun card..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. This is such a fun post! I love your card and the pretty DP and flowers. And, a great sentiment by TLC as well. Wow- nice picture of all of you! Nothing better than 'Old' friends!

  12. Such a fun card and great photos.
    Thank you for joining our challenge at
    Let's Craft and Create this week and good luck.. Ursula Uphof DT

  13. I love the "strange friends"! Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday Challenges! Kath- DT

  14. Beautiful card and lovely pictures!
    Thank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges
    Rachelle DT

  15. Suoer fun card & post!
    Thanks for playing at QKR Stampede this week & sharing your talent with us!
    Good Luck
    Crafty HUgs
    Dawn xx

  16. Hi Lisa just popping back again to say-Thank you for joining us at Scrapping 4 Fun
    Carol GD x

  17. DT hat on Lisa.. Thank you so much for joining in with us at 613 Avenue Create..hope you will play along again..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  18. Aww, this is beyond gorgeous, LOVE this image and it's so perfect for you all. Thanks for joining in the fun with us at Sweet Stampin' this week Lisa Lynn. Love to have you play along! Hugs, Wends xoxo Sweet Stampin' DT

  19. A lovely card. Thank you for joining in the ribbon, lace and/or pearls challenge at Dragonfly Dreams.

